| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| TURNER, BILLIE L. | United States | 915-837-0016 | 915-837-0016 | billie@uts.cc.utexas.edu | Systematics. | View |
| LIPSCOMB, BARNEY L. | United States | 817-332-4441 | 817-332-4112 | barney@brit.org | Flora of Texas; floristics; Cyperaceae. | View |
| Spalink, Daniel | United States | 6085159129 | 608-262-4422 | dspalink@exchange.tamu.edu | Systematics. | View |
| FRITSCH, PETER W. | United States | 817-332-4441 | | pfritsch@fwbg.org | Ericales, esp. Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Clethraceae & Ericaceae (Gaultheria, Vaccinium); Cercis (Fabaceae); biogeography; flora of China,Philippines. | View |
| BIERNER, MARK W. | United States | 512-820-9723 | | bierner@utexas.edu | Systematics. | View |
| LEMKE, DAVID E. | United States | 512-245-3364 | | david.lemke@txstate.edu | Flora of Texas; systematic anatomy; fossil woods; biology of aquatic plants. | View |
| DIGGS, GEORGE M. | United States | 903-813-2246 | | gdiggs@austincollege.edu | Ericaceae; Arbuteae; Floristics of Texas. | View |
| JANSEN, ROBERT K. | United States | 5124718827 | | jansen@austin.utexas.edu | Organization and evolution of plastid genomes; computational methods for comparative genomics; coordinated evolution between mitochondrial, nuclear and plastid genomes; and systematics and the evolution of the Geraniaceae and Fabaceae | View |
| Gostel, Morgan | United States | 817-463-4199 | | mgostel@brit.org | Asteraceae, Burseraceae, Commiphora, Plant molecular systematics, Phylogenomics, Biogeography, Madagascar | View |
| MOODY, MICHAEL L. | United States | 915-500-9113 | | mlmoody@utep.edu | Systematics, phylogeography, taxonomy, conservation, genomics | View |
| POWELL, A. MICHAEL | United States | 432-837-8366 | | ampowell@sulross.edu | Systematics; flora of northern Chihuahuan Desert region. | View |
| WENDT, THOMAS L. | United States | 512-471-5904 | | twendt@austin.utexas.edu | Tropical trees of Mexico; Polygalaceae. | View |
| YATSKIEVYCH, GEORGE | United States | 512-471-5904 | | george.yatskievych@austin.utexas.edu | Systematics of pteridophytes & parasitic plants; floristics, especially Southwestern and Midwestern USA & Mexico; plant conservation; herbarium management. | View |
| LEON, BLANCA | United States | | | leon@austin.utexas.edu | Neotropical ferns; Polypodiaceae. | View |
| VASCO, ALEJANDRA | United States | 8177730803 | | avascog@gmail.com | Fern Taxonomy and Systematics | View |
| Brokaw, Joshua | United States | 3252012573 | | jmb97t@acu.edu | Mentzelia section Trachyphytum
Mentzelia section Bicuspidaria | View |
| Taylor, Nathan | United States | | | | Taxonomy, Euphorbia sect. Anisophyllum, High Plains of Texas Flora | View |
| Daundasekara, Kasuni | United States | 9792244945 | | kasuni91@tamu.edu | Plant Molecular Biology
Evolutionary biology | View |
| SIMPSON, BERYL B. | United States | | | | Evolutionary biology; plant systematics; biogeography. | View |
| Hunter, Sarah | United States | | | sarahgrace13@utexas.edu | | View |
| Lopez, Christian | United States | 7373363338 | | christianlopezs@utexas.edu | Systematics, evolution, and chemical ecology of ferns and lycophytes; Systematics of Selaginellaceae; plant-insect interactions | View |
| Adeyemi, Adeyinka | United States | 9793441298 | | adeyinka08@tamu.edu | | View |
| Vargas, Lucia | United States | 6823900298 | | l.l.vargaslongas@tcu.edu | | View |
| Weththasinghe, Bhagya | United States | 8327169213 | | bhagya@tamu.edu | | View |
| Bullock, Madison | United States | 8166866186 | | madisonbullock@yahoo.com | Conservation, population genetics, phylogenetics, ecophysiology, methods development, herbaria | View |