| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| BALLARD, JR., HARVEY E. | United States | 740-818-7730 | | ballardh@ohio.edu | Systematics and evolution of the Violaceae | View |
| BRANDENBURG, DAVID M. | United States | 740-323-2355 | | dmbrandenburg@dawesarb.org | Floristics; horticultural taxonomy; Poaceae; economic botany. | View |
| Bryant, Jacob | United States | 8599574705 | | bryan2jo@mail.uc.edu | | View |
| Burwell, Remington | United States | 7402433254 | | rb438114@ohio.edu | Violets, systemic biology, evolution, phylogenetics, phylogenomics, species distribution modeling, morphometrics, and taxonomy. | View |
| Cantino, Philip | United States | 7405911765 | 7405911765 | pcantino@gmail.com | Systematics of Lamiaceae; phylogenetic nomenclature. | View |
| CLEVINGER, JENNIFER A. | United States | 330-490-7331 | | jclevinger@walsh.edu | Taxonomy of Silphium & Berlandiera (Asteraceae); woody plant identification; Ohio flora. | View |
| ESHBAUGH, W. HARDY | United States | 513-523-8305 | 513-523-0805 | eshbauwh@miamioh.edu | Flora of the Bahamas, Capsicum | View |
| FREUDENSTEIN, JOHN V. | United States | 614-688-0363 | | freudenstein.1@osu.edu | Systematics of Orchidaceae, Ericaceae; species circumscription, genome evolution, ontogeny | View |
| GARDNER, ELLIOT | United States | 917-902-5064 | | elliot.gardner@case.edu | Systematics of flowering plants, especially the flora of tropical Asia. Revisionary systematics and pollination biology of Moraceae. Phylogenomics. Chemical ecology and floral volatile chemistry. | View |
| Gill, Ash | United States | 9712636039 | | ashrose.gill@gmail.com | Systematics, Phylogeography, Mycoheterotrophy, Coevolution, Parasitism | View |
| Ho, Yun Ye | United States | 2165513440 | | yxh1548@case.edu | | View |
| Madsen, Kathleen | United States | 4027087712 | | km917819@ohio.edu | | View |
| MOORE, Michael | United States | 4199216679 | | michael.moore@oberlin.edu | gypsum endemism; phylogeography; angiosperm phylogenetics; phylogenomics; Hawaii; Mexico; Chihuahuan Desert; Caryophyllales; Nyctaginaceae; Boraginaceae; Asteraceae; Onagraceae; Schiedea | View |
| SCHENK, JOHN J. | United States | (912) 478-0848 | | schenk@ohio.edu | Phylogenetics of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae), Podostemaceae, and Mentzelia (Loasaceae); Macroevolution, Floral Evolution | View |
| STUESSY, TOD F. | United States | 614-292-3296 | | stuessy.1@osu.edu | Asteraceae; island biology; flora of Chile. | View |
| TEPE, ERIC J. | United States | 513-376-5539 | | eric.tepe@uc.edu | Systematics of Piper (Piperaceae) & Solanum (Solanaceae); evolution of ant-plant associations. | View |
| VINCENT, MICHAEL A. | United States | 513-529-1960 | | vincenma@miamioh.edu | Taxonomy of vascular plants & fungi; systematics of Trifolium (Fabaceae), especially New World; floristics. | View |