| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| ANDERSON, CHRISTIANE | United States | | | chra@umich.edu | Taxonomy of Stigmaphyllon, HIraea, Peixotoa, Pterandra, Thryallis, & Galphimia (Malpighiaceae). | View |
| EVANS, TIMOTHY M. | United States | 616-331-8704 | | evanstim@gvsu.edu | Systematics of Commelinaceae; molecular systematics. | View |
| Feng, Keyi | United States | | | fky@umich.edu | plant phylogenomics, macroevolution | View |
| Gilman, Ian | United States | | | gilmania@msu.edu | Phylogenetics, photosynthesis, Portulaca, CAM, C4 | View |
| HANES, MARGARET | United States | 734-487-4394 | | mkoopma2@emich.edu | Madagascar; Malvaceae; Hibiscus | View |
| McNair, Mason | United States | 9119-518-4040 | | mcnairm3@msu.edu | Taxonomy and nomenclature, phylogenetics, population genetics, morphometrics, speciation, hybridization, conservation biology, horticulture | View |
| Medellín Zabala, Diana Marcela | United States | 7134761178 | | dianamz@umich.edu | Systematics, Biogeography, Plant Taxonomy, Metabolomics | View |
| Pizzardo, Raquel | United States | 7542157340 | | raquel.pizzardo@gmail.com | Systematics, phylogenetics, Neotropics | View |
| PRATHER, ALAN | United States | 517-355-4695 | | alan@msu.edu | Systematics of Polemoniaceae; Lamiaceae; Phlox, Monarda; polyploidy | View |
| REZNICEK, ANTON (TONY) A. | United States | 734-764-5544; 734-996-0692 | | reznicek@umich.edu | Systematics of Cyperaceae; Floristics, Biogeography, and Botanical History of the Great Lakes Region | View |
| RUHFEL, BRAD | United States | 734-615-6404 | | ruhfel@umich.edu | Phylogenetics; green plants; clusioids; Podostemaceae | View |
| Weaver, William | United States | 7193600177 | | willwe@umich.edu | | View |