| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| BARTEL, JIM A. | United States | 760-522-1968 | | jimabartel@gmail.com | systematics of Dudleya (Crassulaceae); ecology & systematics of Hesperocyparis (Cupressaceae). | View |
| KEELEY, STERLING C. | United States | 808-542-1923 | | sterling@hawaii.edu | Systematics of Vernonieae (Asteraceae); chaparral fire ecology. | View |
| PATTERSON, ROBERT W. | United States | 415-699-6599 | | patters47@gmail.com | Systematics of Polemoniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, and Namaceae; California floristics. | View |
| RANKER, TOM A. | United States | 808-489-2832 | | tom.ranker@gmail.com | Systematics, Island Biogeography and Biodiversity, Floristics, Ferns & Lycophytes | View |
| DANIEL, THOMAS F. | United States | 415-379-5350 | | tdaniel@calacademy.org | Systematics, phylogeny, and reproductive biology of Acanthaceae, Floristics in the southwestern USA and Mexico, Flora of San Francisco County. | View |
| POTTER, DANIEL | United States | 530-754-6141 | | dpotter@ucdavis.edu | | View |
| PRICE, ROBERT A. | United States | 916-662-5917 | | rprice@cdfa.ca.gov | Systematics of Brassicaceae; evolution of conifers. | View |
| MORIN, NANCY R. | United States | 707-684-0277 | | nancy.morin@nau.edu | Campanulaceae, North American floristics. | View |
| BALDWIN, BRUCE G. | United States | 510-643-7008 | 510-643-5390 | bbaldwin@berkeley.edu | Madiinae, Chaenactis, Eriophyllum, Monolopia & Hulsea (Asteraceae); Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae); Collinsia (Plantaginaceae); molecular phylogenetics; island evolution; biosystematics; & California floristics. | View |
| SIMPSON, MICHAEL G. | United States | 619-594-8012 | | msimpson@sdsu.edu | Systematics, monocots, pollen ultrastructure; Haemodoraceae; Boraginaceae; American Amphitropic Disjunct Plants | View |
| WHITKUS, RICHARD | United States | 707-664-2303 | | whitkus@sonoma.edu | Speciation, Cyperaceae, science policy | View |
| JONES, WILLIAM | United States | 6262415092 | | wandljones@gmail.com | Mojave Desert and Great Basin floras; biogeography of disjunct plant populations; Pinaceae (Pinus, Abies, Pseudotsuga); Rosaceae (Adenostoma, Chamaebataria, Sorbaria); Asteraceae (Chaenactis); montane, riparian, coastal sage scrub & chaparral plant communities. | View |
| Der, Joshua | United States | 814-777-7820 | | josh.der@gmail.com | Parasitic plants; Santalales; ferns; Pteridium; evolutionary genomics | View |
| GUILLIAMS, C. MATT | United States | 619-857-0145 | | mguilliams@sbbotanicgarden.org | Plagiobothrys & other Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae); Calyptridium, Cistanthe, Lewisia, & Lewisiopsis (Montiaceae); Ribes (Grossulariaceae); Marah (Cucurbitaceae); evolution, ecology, & conservation of vernal pool ecosystems; American amphitropical biogeography. | View |
| DE GROOT, SARAH | United States | | | xylococcus@yahoo.com | floristics; deserts; plant diversity; herbaria; GIS; Eriastrum; Polemoniaceae; biogeography; morphometrics; California; southwest U.S. | View |
| KIEL, CARRIE | United States | 267-992-5643 | | ckiel@rsabg.org | Systematics of Acanthaceae / floral evolution / conservation biology / phylogenomics | View |
| LITT, AMY | United States | 951-827-2113 | | amy.litt@ucr.edu | Plant evolution and diversity | View |
| GUNNER, SIMON | United States | 9784603060 | | stg35@cornell.edu | Nomenclature, Plant Ecology, Plant Conservation | View |
| SMITH, ALAN R. | United States | 510-643-1000 | 510-643-5390 | arsmith@berkeley.edu | Systematics of pteridophytes, especially Thelypteris. | View |
| WALTERS, DIRK R. | United States | 805-543-7051 | | dwalters@calpoly.edu | Local flora; Schizanthus (Solanaceae). | View |
| Dean, Ellen | United States | 5305744271 | | eadean@omsoft.com | Systematics of Lycianthes; ethnobotany; flora of California. | View |
| ALMEDA, FRANK | United States | 415-379-5359 | | falmeda@calacademy.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae and neotropical Symplocaceae | View |
| FREUND, FORREST | United States | 415-497-9687 | | forrest.freund@alumni.cgu.edu | Isoetes - Phylogenetics/Phylogeography, Population genetics, anatomy/morphology, taxonomy | View |
| COLUMBUS, J. TRAVIS | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.227 | | j.travis.columbus@cgu.edu | Systematics of grasses (Poaceae) and wild buckwheats (Polygonaceae). | View |
| DOYLE, JAMES | United States | 530-752-7591 | | jadoyle@ucdavis.edu | Phylogeny & evolution of angiosperms and seed plants; paleobotany; palynology. | View |
| WHIPPLE, JENNIFER | United States | 406-599-4165 | | jennifer_whipple@nps.gov | Vascular plants of Yellowstone. | View |
| KRIEBEL, RICARDO | United States | 6462566905 | | kriebelr@gmail.com | Lamiales; Myrtales; Costa Rican flora. | View |
| JANEWAY, LAWRENCE | United States | 530-898-5381 | | ljaneway@csuchico.edu | Carex (Cyperaceae); northern California floristics; herbarium curator (CHSC). | View |
| MAYER, MICHAEL S. | United States | 619-260-4081/4729 | | mayer@sandiego.edu | Molecular systematics & microevolutionary studies in species complexes | View |
| NAZAIRE, MARE | United States | 909-625-8767 x268 | | mnazaire@calbg.org | Taxonomy and systematics of Boraginaceae / Boraginales; floristic research of peatlands, alpine, desert, regions in California; aquatic botany; natural history collections | View |
| FRAGA, NAOMI | United States | 909-625-8767 | | nfraga@rsabg.org | Floristics, Systematics of Phrymaceae, rare plants | View |
| Vargas, Oscar M | United States | 512-300-9236 | | ov20@humboldt.edu | Phylogenomics; Neotropics; California Floristic Province; Andes; Linochilus; Diplostephium; Lecythidaceae. | View |
| RIGGINS, RHONDA | United States | 805-544-6595 | | rhorigg@charter.net | Lupinus (Fabaceae). | View |
| WAHLERT, GREGORY | United States | 805-294-8685 | | rinorea@gmail.com | Systematics of Violaceae and western North American Lupinus; flora of Colombian Cordillera Occidental; taxonomy of Malagasy Grewia (Malvaceae) and Polygala. | View |
| LIS, RICHARD | United States | 530-485-7894 | | richard.lis@wildlife.ca.gov | Morphometrics; Systematics of Rosaceae & Cactaceae; Statistics; Paleobotany. | View |
| BOWMAN, ROBERT N. | United States | 408-847-0531 | | rnb@garlic.com | | View |
| CARLQUIST, SHERWIN | United States | 805-964-8105 | | s.carlquist@verizon.net | Plant anatomy; wood anatomy; insular biology; xylem. | View |
| McDADE, LUCINDA | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.220 | | lmcdade@rsabg.org | Phylogenetic systematics; Acanthaceae; Lamiales; Reproductive Biology. | View |
| SAKAI, ANN K. | United States | | 949 824 2181 | aksakai@uci.edu | Plant breeding systems, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, systematics of Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) | View |
| WILSON, CAROL A. | United States | 503-724-0834 | | cawilson@berkeley.edu | Iris (Iridaceae); Loranthaceae; Viscaceae | View |
| LUNDBERG, JOHN G. | United States | 215-880-2175 | | jgl43@drexel.edu | | View |
| Waselkov, Katherine | United States | 251-802-5802 | | kwaselkov@csufresno.edu | plant systematics, Amaranthaceae, population genetics, agricultural weeds | View |
| Cloud-Hughes, Michelle | United States | 619-929-2586 | | | Cylindropuntia, Grusonia, Pediocactus, Echinocereus, Cactaceae, North American desert floristics and biogeography, rare plants. | View |
| Fawcett, Susan | United States | | | susan.fawcett@gmail.com | Ferns, Ecology, Evolution, Biogeography, Systematics, Neotropical Savannas, Floristics, Thelypteridaceae, Goniopteris, Asplenium | View |
| Stickrod, Morgan | United States | 415-640-2654 | | stickrod.morgan@gmail.com | Plant ecology, systematics, botany | View |
| Allen, Eli | United States | | | eja56@humboldt.edu | Eli is a graduate student interested in the genetic underpinnings of floral evolutionary history in California. He is currently studying species delimitation and phylogenetics in a clade of the Sand Verbena genus, Abronia. His focus is on a rare species endemic to California, Abronia villosa var. aurita, the Chaparral Sand-verbena | View |
| Dowdell, Kandiss | United States | 4064254123 | | kldowdell@ucdavis.edu | Systematics and Evolutionary Biology | View |
| Goodrich, Garrett | United States | 9092858243 | | garrettpgoodrich@gmail.com | | View |
| Groh, Jeffrey | United States | (530) 752-1272 | (530) 752-1449 | jgroh@ucdavis.edu | evolution, genetics, mating systems, hybridization | View |
| Boissavy, Charles | United States | 1-310-994-3728 | | cboissavy@rsabg.org | | View |