| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| WALLACE, LISA | United States | 757-683-4947 | | lewallac@odu.edu | Orchidaceae; biogeography; plant conservation; systematics | View |
| Pizzardo, Raquel | United States | 7542157340 | | raquel.pizzardo@gmail.com | Systematics, phylogenetics, Neotropics | View |
| Cantino, Philip | United States | 7405911765 | 7405911765 | pcantino@gmail.com | Systematics of Lamiaceae; phylogenetic nomenclature. | View |
| Burwell, Remington | United States | 7402433254 | | rb438114@ohio.edu | Violets, systemic biology, evolution, phylogenetics, phylogenomics, species distribution modeling, morphometrics, and taxonomy. | View |
| BALLARD, JR., HARVEY E. | United States | 740-818-7730 | | ballardh@ohio.edu | Systematics and evolution of the Violaceae | View |
| BRANDENBURG, DAVID M. | United States | 740-323-2355 | | dmbrandenburg@dawesarb.org | Floristics; horticultural taxonomy; Poaceae; economic botany. | View |
| SCHORI, MELANIE | United States | 740-274-2643 | | ms335704@ohio.edu | Stemonuraceae; Cardiopteridaceae; Aquifoliales reproductive anatomy; embryology; palynology; floristics; nomenclature. | View |
| Lopez, Christian | United States | 7373363338 | | christianlopezs@utexas.edu | Systematics, evolution, and chemical ecology of ferns and lycophytes; Systematics of Selaginellaceae; plant-insect interactions | View |
| REZNICEK, ANTON (TONY) A. | United States | 734-764-5544; 734-996-0692 | | reznicek@umich.edu | Systematics of Cyperaceae; Floristics, Biogeography, and Botanical History of the Great Lakes Region | View |
| RUHFEL, BRAD | United States | 734-615-6404 | | ruhfel@umich.edu | Phylogenetics; green plants; clusioids; Podostemaceae | View |
| HANES, MARGARET | United States | 734-487-4394 | | mkoopma2@emich.edu | Madagascar; Malvaceae; Hibiscus | View |
| Graves, Skylar | United States | 7203638043 | | skylar.lynch@colorado.edu | | View |
| Weaver, William | United States | 7193600177 | | willwe@umich.edu | | View |
| HOWARTH, DIANELLA | United States | 718-990-1679 | | howarthd@stjohns.edu | Floral evo-devo and evolution of Hawaiian plants. | View |
| Nicolas, Antoine | United States | 718-862-7267 | | anicolas01@manhattan.edu | Apiaceae - Araliaceae | View |
| MORAN, ROBBIN C. | United States | 718-817-8663 | 718-817-8648 | rmoran@nybg.org | ferns, lycophytes, systematics | View |
| MICKEL, JOHN T. | United States | 718-817-8636 | 718-817-8648 | jmickel@nybg.org | Pteridophyytes, esp. Anemia & Elaphoglossm; fern flora of Mexico. | View |
| HARRIS, RICHARD C. | United States | 718-817-8624 | 718-817-8648 | rharris@nybg.org | Lichens. | View |
| MICHELANGELI, FABIAN A. | United States | 718-817-8199 | | fabian@nybg.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae, esp. Miconieae & Merianieae; Ant plant relationships; Floristics of the Venezuelan Guayana. | View |
| PLUNKETT, GREGORY M. | United States | 718-817-8179 | | gplunkett@nybg.org | Taxonomy and molecular systematics of Apiaceae; Araliaceae; Pittosporaceae; Pacific floristics and biogeography. | View |
| NACZI, ROBERT F. C. | United States | 718-817-8087 | | rnaczi@nybg.org | Systematics of Carex (Cyperaceae); systematics of Sarraceniaceae. | View |
| HARDY, CHRISTOPHER | United States | 717-871-2312 | 717-872-3905 | christopher.hardy@millersville.edu | Monocot systematics; biodiversity informatics. | View |
| Lyon, Stephanie | United States | 7153464248 | | slyon@uwsp.edu | | View |
| Rohrer, Joseph | United States | 715-835-0560 | | jrohrer@uwec.edu | | View |
| Medellín Zabala, Diana Marcela | United States | 7134761178 | | dianamz@umich.edu | Systematics, Biogeography, Plant Taxonomy, Metabolomics | View |
| MORIN, NANCY R. | United States | 707-684-0277 | | nancy.morin@nau.edu | Campanulaceae, North American floristics. | View |
| WHITKUS, RICHARD | United States | 707-664-2303 | | whitkus@sonoma.edu | Speciation, Cyperaceae, science policy | View |
| WYATT, ROBERT EDWARD | United States | 706-769-5362 | | rewyatt@uga.edu | Plant reproductive biology; evolutionary biology. | View |
| STONEBURNER, ANN | United States | 706-769-5362 | | ahstoneburner@bellsouth.net | Moss systematics. | View |
| CRINS, WILLIAM J. | Canada | 705-750-7173 | | bcrins@cogeco.ca | Cyperaceae, Poaceae, systematics, floristics | View |
| ZIMMER, ELIZABETH A. | United States | 7038639806 | | zimmerl@si.edu | 11Molecular systematics; biogeography; phylogeography; angiosperms; ferns; multigene families; genome evolution | View |
| DORR, LAURENCE J. | United States | 7035324722 | | dorrl@si.edu | Malvaceae; northern Andean flora; biography & botanical bibliography. | View |
| Vargas, Lucia | United States | 6823900298 | | l.l.vargaslongas@tcu.edu | | View |
| MORGAN, DAVID | United States | 678-839-4044 | | dmorgan@westga.edu | Asteraceae; Rosaceae; molecular systematics; vascular plant and bryophyte floristics and ecology | View |
| Ferreira da Silva, Diego | Brazil | 66999143602 | | diiiego.silvaferreira@gmail.com | Taxonomy and Systematics of Phanerogams, with emphasis on Neotropical mycoheterotrophic groups (Thismiaceae, Burmanniaceae, Triuridaceae and the genus Voyria (Gentianaceae). | View |
| Folk, Ryan | United States | 662-325-3279 | | rfolk@biology.msstate.edu | Heuchera: systematics, molecular phylogenetics, hybridization, species delimitation; niche evolution in the Saxifragales | View |
| Miladin, Jenna | United States | 6617133495 | | jmiladin@uark.edu | Taxonomy, systematics, phylogenetics, macroevolution | View |
| Savage, Rachel | United States | 6512455691 | | rlsavage@uark.edu | | View |
| WHITTEMORE, ALAN | | 650-368-5136 | | atwhittemore@gmail.com | Systematics of North American & Central American plants; systematics of bryophytes; mechanisms of taxonomic evolution. | View |
| KRIEBEL, RICARDO | United States | 6462566905 | | kriebelr@gmail.com | Lamiales; Myrtales; Costa Rican flora. | View |
| Landis, Henry | United States | 646-708-4683 | | henrylandis95@gmail.com | | View |
| Montero Muñoz, Iris | Spain | 635879099 | | iris.montero@uam.es | Plant taxonomy and systematics, biogeography, islands, morphology, conservation | View |
| Spagnuolo, Edward | United States | 6316557235 | | spagnuolo@psu.edu | Paleobotany, fossils, systematics, legumes, biogeography, Malesia | View |
| JONES, WILLIAM | United States | 6262415092 | | wandljones@gmail.com | Mojave Desert and Great Basin floras; biogeography of disjunct plant populations; Pinaceae (Pinus, Abies, Pseudotsuga); Rosaceae (Adenostoma, Chamaebataria, Sorbaria); Asteraceae (Chaenactis); montane, riparian, coastal sage scrub & chaparral plant communities. | View |
| SNOW, NEIL | United States | 6202354424 | | nsnow@pittstate.edu | Myrtaceae; Poaceae; floristics; herbarium curation | View |
| Cloud-Hughes, Michelle | United States | 619-929-2586 | | | Cylindropuntia, Grusonia, Pediocactus, Echinocereus, Cactaceae, North American desert floristics and biogeography, rare plants. | View |
| GUILLIAMS, C. MATT | United States | 619-857-0145 | | mguilliams@sbbotanicgarden.org | Plagiobothrys & other Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae); Calyptridium, Cistanthe, Lewisia, & Lewisiopsis (Montiaceae); Ribes (Grossulariaceae); Marah (Cucurbitaceae); evolution, ecology, & conservation of vernal pool ecosystems; American amphitropical biogeography. | View |
| SIMPSON, MICHAEL G. | United States | 619-594-8012 | | msimpson@sdsu.edu | Systematics, monocots, pollen ultrastructure; Haemodoraceae; Boraginaceae; American Amphitropic Disjunct Plants | View |
| MAYER, MICHAEL S. | United States | 619-260-4081/4729 | | mayer@sandiego.edu | Molecular systematics & microevolutionary studies in species complexes | View |
| NEUBIG, KURT | United States | 6184533823 | | kneubig@siu.edu | Systematics. | View |