| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| NS, Prasanna | India | 9964297803 | | prasanna.ns@atree.org | | View |
| KRISHNA T S, DRISYA | India | 9961301733 | | drisyakrishnats@gmail.com | PLANT TAXONOMY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, ETHNOBOTANY, MICROBIOLOGY | View |
| Adeyemi, Adeyinka | United States | 9793441298 | | adeyinka08@tamu.edu | | View |
| Daundasekara, Kasuni | United States | 9792244945 | | kasuni91@tamu.edu | Plant Molecular Biology
Evolutionary biology | View |
| GUNNER, SIMON | United States | 9784603060 | | stg35@cornell.edu | Nomenclature, Plant Ecology, Plant Conservation | View |
| Schmidt, Ryan | United States | 9732942042 | | ryanschmidt1399@gmail.com | Historical Botany, Systematics, Herbaria, Invasion Biology | View |
| Gill, Ash | United States | 9712636039 | | ashrose.gill@gmail.com | Systematics, Phylogeography, Mycoheterotrophy, Coevolution, Parasitism | View |
| Ackerfield, Jennifer | United States | 970-491-0496 | | jrowens@rams.colostate.edu | Flora of Colorado, Systematics and Evolution of the Carduus-Cirsium group (Compositae), Evolution and diversification of Cirsium in North America | View |
| McCauley, Ross A. | United States | 970-247-7338 | | mccauley_r@fortlewis.edu | Speciation and hybridization in Quercus; Systematics of Amaranthaceae; Phylogeography of the southwestern United States; Speciation and conservation of Astragalus in Western North America; Evolution of endemic plants in the Galapagos Islands; Small herbarium curation; Botanical teaching. | View |
| MEEROW, ALAN W. | United States | 9548160707 | | griffinia@gmail.com | Systematics; genetics; molecular systematics; Amaryllidaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Arecaceae; monocotyledons; cycads. | View |
| López-Pérez, Jorge David | Mexico | 9515040561 | | dalope003@gmail.com | Systematic Botany, Phylogeography, Biogeography, Evolution, and Taxonomy | View |
| LITT, AMY | United States | 951-827-2113 | | amy.litt@ucr.edu | Plant evolution and diversity | View |
| HOLST, BRUCE K | United States | 941-217-8132 | | bholst@selby.org | Taxonomy of Bromeliaceae, neotropical Myrtaceae; floristics of Belize, Venezuela, Guayana Shield, Florida. | View |
| Ayers, Tina | United States | 9285239482 | | tina.ayers@nau.edu | Systematics of Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae, Floristics, Biogeography, Rare Plant Conservation | View |
| Hodel, Richard | United States | 9199438076 | | richiehodel@gmail.com | | View |
| MANOS, PAUL | United States | 9196607359 | | pmanos@duke.edu | | View |
| Xiang, Qiuyun (Jenny) | United States | 9195152728 | | jenny_xiang@ncsu.edu | Cornales, eastern Asian-eastern North American disjunct taxa; phylogenetics, biogeography, evo-devo of inflorescences, population and conservation genetics/genomics | View |
| PRYER, KATHLEEN M. | United States | 919-660-7380 | 919-660-7380 | pryer@duke.edu | Phylogenetics of early land plants, especially ferns & horsetails; Marsileaceae; Salviniaceae; morphology, molecules, fossil evidence. | View |
| KRINGS, ALEXANDER | United States | 919-515-2700 | | akrings@ncsu.edu | | View |
| Diazgranados, Mauricio | United States | 9176751674 | | mdiazgranados@nybg.org | Systematics; ecology; climate change; Asteraceae. | View |
| GARDNER, ELLIOT | United States | 917-902-5064 | | elliot.gardner@case.edu | Systematics of flowering plants, especially the flora of tropical Asia. Revisionary systematics and pollination biology of Moraceae. Phylogenomics. Chemical ecology and floral volatile chemistry. | View |
| MITCHELL, JOHN D. | United States | 917-842-6940 | | johndanmitchell@gmail.com | Anacardiaceae. | View |
| DRUMMOND, CHLOE | United States | 917-685-0414 | | chloe.p.drummond@gmail.com | Evolutionary Biology, Disjunct Biogeography, Plant Systematics, Multi-omics | View |
| Kang, Hannah | United States | 9167596433 | | hannahkang1025@hotmail.com | Navarretia systematics (Polemoniaceae). | View |
| Lagomarsino, Laura | United States | 9165498770 | | llagomarsino1@lsu.edu | Campanulaceae; Lobelioideae; Andean flora; diversification; phylogenetics; phylogenetic comparative methods; vertebrate pollination | View |
| PRICE, ROBERT A. | United States | 916-662-5917 | | rprice@cdfa.ca.gov | Systematics of Brassicaceae; evolution of conifers. | View |
| TURNER, BILLIE L. | United States | 915-837-0016 | 915-837-0016 | billie@uts.cc.utexas.edu | Systematics. | View |
| MOODY, MICHAEL L. | United States | 915-500-9113 | | mlmoody@utep.edu | Systematics, phylogeography, taxonomy, conservation, genomics | View |
| Thiers, Barbara | United States | 9144159977 | | bthiers@nybg.org | Bryophytes; biodiversity informatics; collections management. | View |
| McNair, Mason | United States | 9119-518-4040 | | mcnairm3@msu.edu | Taxonomy and nomenclature, phylogenetics, population genetics, morphometrics, speciation, hybridization, conservation biology, horticulture | View |
| PENNEYS, DARIN | United States | 910.962.3046 | | dpenneys@yahoo.com | Phylogenetics of the Melastomataceae. SE USA flora. Philippines flora. | View |
| Goodrich, Garrett | United States | 9092858243 | | garrettpgoodrich@gmail.com | | View |
| NAZAIRE, MARE | United States | 909-625-8767 x268 | | mnazaire@calbg.org | Taxonomy and systematics of Boraginaceae / Boraginales; floristic research of peatlands, alpine, desert, regions in California; aquatic botany; natural history collections | View |
| COLUMBUS, J. TRAVIS | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.227 | | j.travis.columbus@cgu.edu | Systematics of grasses (Poaceae) and wild buckwheats (Polygonaceae). | View |
| McDADE, LUCINDA | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.220 | | lmcdade@rsabg.org | Phylogenetic systematics; Acanthaceae; Lamiales; Reproductive Biology. | View |
| FRAGA, NAOMI | United States | 909-625-8767 | | nfraga@rsabg.org | Floristics, Systematics of Phrymaceae, rare plants | View |
| BATTEN, ALAN R. | United States | 907-488-3205 | | alanbatten@acsalaska.net | Alaskan Flora. | View |
| ICKERT-BOND, STEFANIE M. | United States | 907-474-6277 | | smickertbond@alaska.edu | Molecular systematics, phylogeny, biogeography, & morphological evolution; comparative morphology and anatomy; integration of fossil data to biogeography, speciation & character evolution; revisionary work; Altingiaceae, Ephedra, Vitaceae, Oxytropis, | View |
| STEFANOVIC, SASA | Canada | 905-569-4305 | | sasa.stefanovic@utoronto.ca | Plastid genome evolution in heterotrophic plants; systematics of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). | View |
| DIGGS, GEORGE M. | United States | 903-813-2246 | | gdiggs@austincollege.edu | Ericaceae; Arbuteae; Floristics of Texas. | View |
| Mandel, Jennifer | United States | 9016785130 | | | phylogenetics, systematics, ecology, population genetics, genomics | View |
| Chao, Yi-Shan | Taiwan | 886-7-3121101 ext. 2692 | | pteridaceae@gmail.com | Ferns, carnivorous plants, aquatic plants, evolution, systematics | View |
| Krosnick, Shawn | United States | 870-949-1432 | | skrosnick@tntech.edu | Passifloraceae; floral development; evolution of nectaries in Passiflora. | View |
| Moore-Pollard, Erika | United States | 8653239253 | | moore.erika.r@gmail.com | Phylogenomics, systematics, hybridization, conservation, genome evolution, comparative genomics | View |
| SCHILLING, EDWARD E. | United States | 865-974-3065 | | eschilling@utk.edu | Asteraceae, subtribe Helianthinae, tribes Cichorieae and Eupatorieae; Trillium; Lobelia; rare plants of southeastern U.S.A. | View |
| JENSEN, DOUGLAS P. | United States | 864-596-9123 | | douglas.jensen@converse.edu | Primitive land plants. | View |
| Spencer, Audrey | United States | 8608845506 | | audrey.spencer@ucdenver.edu | Systematics, floristics, taxonomy, biogeography | View |
| ANDERSON, GREGORY J. | United States | 860-7710186 | | gregory.anderson@uconn.edu | Biosystematics; reproductive biology; ethnobotany; Solanum (Solanaceae); island biology. | View |
| HONG, DE-YUAN | China | 86-10-62836096 | 86-10-62590843 | hongdy@ibcas.ac.cn | Taxonomy and evolution | View |
| Bryant, Jacob | United States | 8599574705 | | bryan2jo@mail.uc.edu | | View |