| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| Ackerfield, Jennifer | United States | 970-491-0496 | | jrowens@rams.colostate.edu | Flora of Colorado, Systematics and Evolution of the Carduus-Cirsium group (Compositae), Evolution and diversification of Cirsium in North America | View |
| Adeyemi, Adeyinka | United States | 9793441298 | | adeyinka08@tamu.edu | | View |
| Ajayi, Benjamin | United States | 8504059230 | | baa23a@fsu.edu | | View |
| AKIYAMA, SHINOBU | Japan | +81-298-53-8972 | +81-298-53-8972 | akiyama@kahaku.go.jp | | View |
| ALFORD, MAC H. | United States | 601-266-6531 | | mac.alford@usm.edu | Taxonomy of Salicaceae, Scyphostegiaceae, Samydaceae, & Achariaceae (former Flacourtiaceae); floristics of the eastern U.S.A., neotropics, and Zambia; nomenclature. | View |
| Allen, Eli | United States | | | eja56@humboldt.edu | Eli is a graduate student interested in the genetic underpinnings of floral evolutionary history in California. He is currently studying species delimitation and phylogenetics in a clade of the Sand Verbena genus, Abronia. His focus is on a rare species endemic to California, Abronia villosa var. aurita, the Chaparral Sand-verbena | View |
| ALLEN, GERALDINE A. | Canada | 250-721-7110 | | gallen@uvic.ca | Phylogeny and phylogenomics (esp. Asteraceae); phylogeography; plant sex expression; conservation genetics and rare species | View |
| ALLRED, KELLY W. | United States | 575-644-1265 | | kla49@outlook.com | Flora of New Mexico; Poaceae; Aristida; Bothriochloa; mosses of New Mexico. | View |
| ALMEDA, FRANK | United States | 415-379-5359 | | falmeda@calacademy.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae and neotropical Symplocaceae | View |
| Alvarez, Orlando | United States | 7865146171 | | orlando.alvarez.fuentes@gmail.com | Pteridophytes, Thelypteridaceae, Biogeography and systematics of Caribbean ferns | View |
| ALVES, MARCCUS | Brazil | +55-11-3818-7542 | | alves.marccus@gmail.com | Monocots, sedges & bromeliads. | View |
| Anajemba, Chinedum | United States | 4359621887 | | chinedum.anajemba@usu.edu | | View |
| ANDERSON, CHRISTIANE | United States | | | chra@umich.edu | Taxonomy of Stigmaphyllon, HIraea, Peixotoa, Pterandra, Thryallis, & Galphimia (Malpighiaceae). | View |
| ANDERSON, GREGORY J. | United States | 860-7710186 | | gregory.anderson@uconn.edu | Biosystematics; reproductive biology; ethnobotany; Solanum (Solanaceae); island biology. | View |
| Andreev, Victor | United States | | | victorandreev@arizona.edu | Hybridization; population genetics; phylogenetics; landscape genomics | View |
| Angulo, Juan | United States | 4043246526 | | jangulo@nybg.org | | View |
| Anukege, Cynthia | United States | | | canukege@unomaha.edu | | View |
| APPLEQUIST, WENDY L. | United States | 314-577-0267 | | wendy.applequist@mobot.org | Medicinal plants; natural products discovery; nomenclature; taxonomy of endemic flora of Madagascar (Malvaceae, Salicaceae, Violaceae). | View |
| ARAKAKI, MONICA | Peru | | | marakakim@unmsm.edu.pe | Plant Systematics, Biogeography, Conservation genetics, Cytogenetics, Taxonomy of Cactaceae and relatives. | View |
| Arango-Gómez, Katherin | United States | | | larang1@lsu.edu | Phylogenomics, population genetics, Neotropical flora, Gesneriaceae, Ericaceae, Andes, Campanulaceae | View |
| Assunção Teixeira, Lisandra | Brazil | +551732218352 | | lissandra.92.rr@gmail.com | Biological Sciences, Botany, Systematics, Taxonomy, Nomenclature | View |
| Avila, Fabio | | | | favila@nybg.org | | View |
| Ayers, Tina | United States | 9285239482 | | tina.ayers@nau.edu | Systematics of Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae, Floristics, Biogeography, Rare Plant Conservation | View |
| BAILEY, C. DONOVAN | United States | 575-646-7012 | | dbailey@nmsu.edu | Systematics of the Brassicaceae & Fabaceae. | View |
| BAIN, JOHN F. | Canada | 403-380-1827 | | bain@uleth.ca | Molecular systematics; Packera (Asteraceae). | View |
| BAIRD, GARY I. | United States | 208-496-4606 | | bairdg@byui.edu | The systematics, evolution, & taxonomy of the Asteraceae. | View |
| BALDWIN, BRUCE G. | United States | 510-643-7008 | 510-643-5390 | bbaldwin@berkeley.edu | Madiinae, Chaenactis, Eriophyllum, Monolopia & Hulsea (Asteraceae); Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae); Collinsia (Plantaginaceae); molecular phylogenetics; island evolution; biosystematics; & California floristics. | View |
| BALLARD, JR., HARVEY E. | United States | 740-818-7730 | | ballardh@ohio.edu | Systematics and evolution of the Violaceae | View |
| BARBER, SUSAN C. | United States | 405-823-6345 | | sbarber1@cox.net | Systematics of Verbena (Verbenaceae) & Pyrrhopappus (Asteraceae). | View |
| BARCELONA, JULIE F. | New Zealand | +64-3-3642987 ext.45605 | | barceljf@hotmail.com | | View |
| Barcenas, Rolando T. | Mexico | 52 192 1200 xt. 65350 | | | phylogenetic systematics; biogeography; conservation; evolution; deserts; Cactaceae; biological collections; scientific collections; databases | View |
| Barkworth, Mary | United States | 435-5572121 | | mary.barkworth@usu.edu | Incorporating digital technology into the work flow from the field to GBIF, particularly in Pakistan and Northeast Africa; Grasses. | View |
| BARRETT, CRAIG | United States | 304-293-7506 | | cfb0001@mail.wvu.edu | Plant systematics & population genetics; biogeography; phylogeography; orchid biology; plant-microbial biology; invasive species | View |
| BARRIE, FRED R. | United States | 312-665-7848 | | fbarrie@fieldmuseum.org | Valerianaceae; Myrtaceae; nomenclature. | View |
| BARRINGTON, DAVID S. | United States | 802-338-0313 | | david.barrington@uvm.edu | Systematics & biogeography of ferns, esp. Dryopteridaceae, particularly Polystichum. | View |
| BARTEL, JIM A. | United States | 760-522-1968 | | jimabartel@gmail.com | systematics of Dudleya (Crassulaceae); ecology & systematics of Hesperocyparis (Cupressaceae). | View |
| Batalla, Martin | United States | | | mbata001@odu.edu | Phylogenetics and biogeography of Nototriche (Malvaceae), and the occurence of polyploidy in the genus. | View |
| BATISTA, JOAO AGUIAR NOGUEIRA | Brazil | +55-31-3409-2674 | | janb@icb.ufmg.br | Neotropical Orchidaceae with focus on Habenaria, Cyrtopodium and Spiranthinae | View |
| BATTEN, ALAN R. | United States | 907-488-3205 | | alanbatten@acsalaska.net | Alaskan Flora. | View |
| BECK, JAMES | United States | 316-978-6063 | | james.beck@wichita.edu | Solidago; polyploidy; species delimitation; cytogeography; ferns | View |
| Becklund, Ellie | | | | | plant systematics, plant evolution, rare plants, science communication | View |
| BELL, CHARLES | United States | 504-280-7040 | | valerianaceae1969@gmail.com | Phylogenetics; Valerianaceae; biogeography; divergence time estimation, Linanthus, Leptosiphon | View |
| Benkendorf, Reed Clark | United States | | | reedbenkendorf2021@u.northwestern.edu | Metagenomics, Western Floristics, Western endemics and their systematics. | View |
| Bentley, Erin | United States | 3078714616 | | ebentley325@gmail.com | population genetics, phylogenetics, systematics, outreach | View |
| Bernhardt, Peter | | | | pbernhardt@mobot.org | | View |
| BIERNER, MARK W. | United States | 512-820-9723 | | bierner@utexas.edu | Systematics. | View |
| Biral, Leonardo | Brazil | +5514997493593 | | leobiral@hotmail.com | Systematics, flora, floristics, Celastrales, Celastraceae, herbaria | View |
| BLOCK, TIMOTHY | United States | 215-247-5777 Ext.130 | | block@upenn.edu | Flora of Pennsylvania. | View |
| BOATWRIGHT, JAMES STEPHEN | South Africa | +27-21-959-2264 | | jboatwright@uwc.ac.za | Taxonomy; systematics; invasive plants. | View |
| BOHS, LYNN A. | United States | 801-585-0380 | | bohs@biology.utah.edu | Systematics of Solanaceae; economic botany. | View |