| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| HEYWOOD, VERNON | United Kingdom | +44-118-9780185 | +44-118-989-1745 | v.h.heywood@reading.ac.uk | Apiaceae; Asteraceae; Mediterranean flora; biodiversity & resource conservation, especially germplasm of wild species. | View |
| ENDRESS, MARY E. | Switzerland | +41-44-321 4085 | +41-44-634-84-03 | mendress@systbot.uzh.ch | Apocynaceae: floral structure & phylogeny. | View |
| TIPPERY, NICHOLAS | United States | 262-472-1061 | | nicholas.tippery@gmail.com | Aquatic plants; Menyanthaceae. | View |
| DAVENPORT, L. J. | United States | 205-726-2584 | | ljdavenp@samford.edu | Aquatic vascular plants; Lemnaceae; history of botany. | View |
| GILLESPIE, LYNN | Canada | 613 364 4075 | | lgillespie@nature.ca | Arctic Flora, Euphorbiaceae, Poaceae | View |
| GUNN, BEE F. | Australia | | | bee.gunn@gmail.com | Arecaceae; Asparagales; paleobotany; evolution; biogeography. | View |
| NEINHUIS, CHRISTOPH | Germany | +49-351-463-36032 | | christoph.neinhuis@tu-dresden.de | Aristolochiaceae; phylogeny; Mediterranean & African flora; micromorphology. | View |
| RIGGINS, CHANCE W. | United States | 217-300-0563 | | cwriggin@illinois.edu | Artemisia (Asteraceae); Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae); Acacia (Fabaceae); Crop Evolution; Crop Wild Relatives; Phytochemistry | View |
| STRAUB, SHANNON | United States | 315-781-3713 | | straub@hws.edu | Asclepias; Apocynaceae; Amorpha; Fabaceae | View |
| Gostel, Morgan | United States | 817-463-4199 | | mgostel@brit.org | Asteraceae, Burseraceae, Commiphora, Plant molecular systematics, Phylogenomics, Biogeography, Madagascar | View |
| MOORE, ABIGAIL J. | United States | 1-401-499-7692 | | abigail.j.moore@ou.edu | Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Anacampserotaceae. | View |
| WATSON, LINDA | United States | 405-744-5559 | | linda.watson10@okstate.edu | Asteraceae, Compositae, molecular systematics, phylogenomics | View |
| SCHILLING, EDWARD E. | United States | 865-974-3065 | | eschilling@utk.edu | Asteraceae, subtribe Helianthinae, tribes Cichorieae and Eupatorieae; Trillium; Lobelia; rare plants of southeastern U.S.A. | View |
| CRISCI, JORGE V. | Argentina | +54-221-4758066 | | crisci@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar | Asteraceae; conceptual framework of biological systematics, phylogenetic analysis, plant systematics, historical biogeography, conservation of biodiversity, science education, and preservation, management & storage of plant collections. | View |
| VILLASENOR, JOSE LUIS | Mexico | +52-5622-9120 | | vrios@ib.unam.mx | Asteraceae; flora of Mexico. | View |
| Skibicki, Sam | United States | | | svs0008@mix.wvu.edu | Asteraceae; Heliantheae; Zinniinae | View |
| LACK, H. WALTER | Germany | +49 30 838 50100 | | h.w.lack@bgbm.org | Asteraceae; history of systematic botany. | View |
| STUESSY, TOD F. | United States | 614-292-3296 | | stuessy.1@osu.edu | Asteraceae; island biology; flora of Chile. | View |
| URBATSCH, LOWELL | United States | 225-921-1614 | | leu@lsu.edu | Asteraceae; molecular systematics; central Gulf of Mexico flora | View |
| MORGAN, DAVID | United States | 678-839-4044 | | dmorgan@westga.edu | Asteraceae; Rosaceae; molecular systematics; vascular plant and bryophyte floristics and ecology | View |
| ROQUE, NADIA | Brazil | 557132836530 | | nadiaroque@gmail.com | Asteraceae; taxonomy; floristics; phylogenetic systematics. | View |
| Tyrrell, Christopher | United States | | | tyrrell@mpm.edu | bamboos, aquatic macrophytes, Bambusoideae, informatics, taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, database | View |
| Knox, John | United States | 540-817-7237 | | knoxj@wlu.edu | Biogeography of the Helenium autumnale species complex | View |
| Narváez G., Juan Pablo | Brazil | +55 11 95889 7979 | | narvaez-gomez.jp@usp.br | Biogeography of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae); neotropical biogeography; plant systematics and evolution; conservation biology; philosophy of biology. | View |
| Jorge, Taciane | Brazil | 5553999532927 | | taci.jorge@gmail.com | Biogeography, Cytogenetics, Poaceae, Evolution | View |
| JORDON-THADEN, INGRID | United States | 5105523512 | | ijordonthaden@murraystate.edu | Biological corridors, population genetics, polyploidy, and breeding systems in flowering plants, in particular Brassicaceae. | View |
| Assunção Teixeira, Lisandra | Brazil | +551732218352 | | lissandra.92.rr@gmail.com | Biological Sciences, Botany, Systematics, Taxonomy, Nomenclature | View |
| HAUFLER, CHRISTOPHER | United States | | | vulgare@ku.edu | Biosystematics, speciation, population biology, polyploidy, pteridology, & evolutionary mechanisms of ferns (Pteridophyta), Polypodiaceae, Polypodium. | View |
| CARR, GERALD D. | United States | 541-753-0185 | | gdcarr@comcast.net | Biosystematics; cytogenetics; chromosome evolution; Asteraceae (Madiinae); Oregon flora. | View |
| ANDERSON, GREGORY J. | United States | 860-7710186 | | gregory.anderson@uconn.edu | Biosystematics; reproductive biology; ethnobotany; Solanum (Solanaceae); island biology. | View |
| COHEN, JAMES I. | United States | 607-342-3071 | | jimcohen1000@gmail.com | Boraginaceae; breeding system evolution, particularly heterostyly; floral development. | View |
| JOHNSON, DALE E. | United States | 206-484-0801 | | moxxykrispie@gmail.com | botanical bibliography and history | View |
| MWIHAKI, JOHN | United States | | | jmwihaki@nybg.org | Botany | View |
| Vanrooyen, Dilrini | United States | | | vanrooyen@wisc.edu | Botany | View |
| Schindler, Bianca | Brazil | 61 986043407 | | bia.schindler@gmail.com | Botany | View |
| Luu, Hong Truong | Viet Nam | +84-965610031 | | hongtruongluu@gmail.com | Botany, Ethnobotany, Ecology, Conservation | View |
| King, Megan | United States | 201-446-9815 | | megan.king@rutgers.edu | Botany, Natural History Collections, Invasive Species, Herbaria | View |
| Camelo, Mel | Brazil | | | melbiologia2010@hotmail.com | Botany, Taxonomy, Systematic Botany | View |
| WYSE JACKSON, PETER | United States | 314-577-5110 | | pwysejackson@mobot.org | Botany. | View |
| RODMAN, JAMES E. | United States | 360-307-7033 | | rodman69_890@msn.com | Brassicaceae; chemosystematics; phylogenetics; plant-insect co-evolution. | View |
| Mishler, Brent | United States | (510) 643-0633 | | bmishler@berkeley.edu | bryology, phylogeny, biogeography, species concepts | View |
| ROBINSON, HAROLD E. | United States | 202-633-0955 | 202-786-2563 | robinsoh@si.edu | Bryology; Asteraceae. | View |
| Wickett, Norman | United States | 847-835-8280 | | nwickett@chicagobotanic.org | Bryophytes, Phylogenomics, Speciation, Molecular Evolution | View |
| Thiers, Barbara | United States | 9144159977 | | bthiers@nybg.org | Bryophytes; biodiversity informatics; collections management. | View |
| CHANTANAORRAPINT, SAHUT | Thailand | +66-815186870 | | sahut.c@psu.ac.th | Bryophytes; myco-heterotrophic plants. | View |
| NORMAN, ELIANE M. | United States | 407-279-8699 | | elianen@aol.com | Buddleja and related genera; Asimina & Deeringothamnus (Annonaceae); reproductive biology of Florida plants; evolution of Cheiroglossa palmata, Hand Fern; travels of Andre Michaux, | View |
| COTA-SANCHEZ, JORGE HUGO | Canada | 306-966-4405 | 306-966-4405 | hugo.cota@usask.ca | Cactaceae phylogeny, evolution and reproductive and pollination biology; floristics; biodiversity; endangered species. | View |
| Salywon, Andrew | United States | 602-481-8107 | | asalywon@dbg.org | Cactaceae, Myrtaceae, & Agavaceae. | View |
| MORIN, NANCY R. | United States | 707-684-0277 | | nancy.morin@nau.edu | Campanulaceae, North American floristics. | View |
| HABERLE, ROSEMARIE (Romey) C. | United States | 253-535-7199 | | haberlrc@plu.edu | Campanulaceae; Biogeography, PNW floristics, Invasive plants. | View |