| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| BARRINGTON, DAVID S. | United States | 802-338-0313 | | david.barrington@uvm.edu | Systematics & biogeography of ferns, esp. Dryopteridaceae, particularly Polystichum. | View |
| FERGUSON, DAVID K. | Austria | +43-2742-72155 | | david.kay.ferguson@univie.ac.at | Tertiary leaf remains; taxonomy of woody plants with a fossil record; eastern Asiatic botany. | View |
| Kunkel, David | United States | | | david.kunkel@okstate.edu | | View |
| LEMKE, DAVID E. | United States | 512-245-3364 | | david.lemke@txstate.edu | Flora of Texas; systematic anatomy; fossil woods; biology of aquatic plants. | View |
| ORLOVICH, DAVID ALLAN | New Zealand | +64-3-479-9060 | | david.orlovich@otago.ac.nz | Floral biology; molecular phylogenetics; Myrtaceae; Poaceae. | View |
| Knepper, David | United States | | | davidknep@gmail.com | Wetland plants, parasitic plants, southeastern U.S. flora | View |
| BAILEY, C. DONOVAN | United States | 575-646-7012 | | dbailey@nmsu.edu | Systematics of the Brassicaceae & Fabaceae. | View |
| CRAWFORD, DANIEL J. | United States | | | dcrawfor@ku.edu | Molecular systematics; island plants. | View |
| Fonseca Cortés, Deivid Andrés | Brazil | | | deafonsecaco@unal.edu.co | | View |
| Cássia da Silva, Débora | Brazil | 24999341805 | | deborahkassia@hotmail.com.br | Taxonomy, phylogeny, floral development and ontogeny | View |
| HERENDEEN, DONNA | United States | 301-335-9387 | | deherendeen@gmail.com | | View |
| Pantinople, Dexcem | United States | | | dexcempantinople@gmail.com | | View |
| MORALES-BRIONES, DIEGO | Germany | | | dfmoralesb@gmail.com | Plant systematics and Evolution | View |
| FORD-WERNTZ, DONNA I. | United States | 304-293-0794 | 304-293-6363 | dford2@wvu.edu | Systematics & evolution of Calandrinia subgenus Hirsutae (Portulacaceae); W.V. flora. | View |
| Silva, Diego | United States | +55 21 976847005 | | dgns08@gmail.com | My research interest involves the topics Plant Systematics and Taxonomy, especially Melastomataceae, Morphology, Nomenclature, Amazonian and Neotropical Flora. | View |
| Medellín Zabala, Diana Marcela | United States | 7134761178 | | dianamz@umich.edu | Systematics, Biogeography, Plant Taxonomy, Metabolomics | View |
| Ferreira da Silva, Diego | Brazil | 66999143602 | | diiiego.silvaferreira@gmail.com | Taxonomy and Systematics of Phanerogams, with emphasis on Neotropical mycoheterotrophic groups (Thismiaceae, Burmanniaceae, Triuridaceae and the genus Voyria (Gentianaceae). | View |
| KATZ-DOWNIE, DEBORAH S. | United States | 217-333-1275 | 217-244-7246 | dkatzdow@illinois.edu | Apiaceae molecular systematics. | View |
| KOLTERMAN, DUANE A. | United States | 787-265-5333 | | dkolterman@hotmail.com | Systematics, ecology, & conservation of rare plants in Puerto Rico & the Antilles; plant nomenclature. | View |
| BRANDENBURG, DAVID M. | United States | 740-323-2355 | | dmbrandenburg@dawesarb.org | Floristics; horticultural taxonomy; Poaceae; economic botany. | View |
| MORGAN, DAVID | United States | 678-839-4044 | | dmorgan@westga.edu | Asteraceae; Rosaceae; molecular systematics; vascular plant and bryophyte floristics and ecology | View |
| NICKRENT, DANIEL | United States | 618-303-2971 | | dn277@cornell.edu | Molecular phylogeny, evolution, genomics; parasitic plants, especially Santalales | View |
| DORR, LAURENCE J. | United States | 7035324722 | | dorrl@si.edu | Malvaceae; northern Andean flora; biography & botanical bibliography. | View |
| JENSEN, DOUGLAS P. | United States | 864-596-9123 | | douglas.jensen@converse.edu | Primitive land plants. | View |
| PENNEYS, DARIN | United States | 910.962.3046 | | dpenneys@yahoo.com | Phylogenetics of the Melastomataceae. SE USA flora. Philippines flora. | View |
| POTTER, DANIEL | United States | 530-754-6141 | | dpotter@ucdavis.edu | | View |
| KRISHNA T S, DRISYA | India | 9961301733 | | drisyakrishnats@gmail.com | PLANT TAXONOMY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, ETHNOBOTANY, MICROBIOLOGY | View |
| Sanín, David | Colombia | | | dsanin@uis.edu.co | Evolution, biogeography and phylogeny | View |
| GERNANDT, David | Mexico | +52-555-622-9080 | | dsgernandt@gmail.com | Conifer systematics. | View |
| SOLTIS, DOUGLAS E. | United States | | | dsoltis@botany.ufl.edu | Angiosperm biosystematics; polyploidy; molecular systematics. | View |
| Spalink, Daniel | United States | 6085159129 | 608-262-4422 | dspalink@exchange.tamu.edu | Systematics. | View |
| TANK, DAVID | United States | 307-766-4276 | | dtank@uwyo.edu | Systematics of Castilleja & subtribe Castillejinae (Orobanchaceae); allopolyploidy; molecular systematics of Asteridae with an emphasis on Campanulidae, Lamiales, & Orbanchaceae. | View |
| WALTERS, DIRK R. | United States | 805-543-7051 | | dwalters@calpoly.edu | Local flora; Schizanthus (Solanaceae). | View |
| Dean, Ellen | United States | 5305744271 | | eadean@omsoft.com | Systematics of Lycianthes; ethnobotany; flora of California. | View |
| Bentley, Erin | United States | 3078714616 | | ebentley325@gmail.com | population genetics, phylogenetics, systematics, outreach | View |
| Chukwuma, Emmanuel | United States | | | ecc016@uark.edu | Plant Systematics, Evolutionary Biology, Biogeography, Phylogenomics | View |
| Sun, Edward | Canada | 5875810397 | | edward.sun@botany.ubc.ca | Genetics, Systematics, Phylogenomics, Monocots, Mycoheterotrophs | View |
| Allen, Eli | United States | | | eja56@humboldt.edu | Eli is a graduate student interested in the genetic underpinnings of floral evolutionary history in California. He is currently studying species delimitation and phylogenetics in a clade of the Sand Verbena genus, Abronia. His focus is on a rare species endemic to California, Abronia villosa var. aurita, the Chaparral Sand-verbena | View |
| HERMSEN, ELIZABETH J. | United States | 607-273-6623 | | ejhermsen@gmail.com | Paleobotany; plant systematics. | View |
| KELLOGG, ELIZABETH A. | United States | 314-587-1490 | | ekellogg@danforthcenter.org | evolution of development, Poaceae, photosynthesis, genomics | View |
| KNOX, ERIC | United States | 812-332-0904 | | eknox@iu.edu | Evolution of giant senecios & giant lobelias, employing morphology, DNA, ecology, biogeography; Asteraceae; Lobeliaceae. | View |
| Lay, Elizabeth | United States | 2087760693 | | elaymandala@gmail.com | | View |
| NORMAN, ELIANE M. | United States | 407-279-8699 | | elianen@aol.com | Buddleja and related genera; Asimina & Deeringothamnus (Annonaceae); reproductive biology of Florida plants; evolution of Cheiroglossa palmata, Hand Fern; travels of Andre Michaux, | View |
| Elisens, Wayne | United States | 4054134813 | | elisens@ou.edu | Lamiales. | View |
| White, Elizabeth | United States | | | elizabethwhite1@ufl.edu | | View |
| GARDNER, ELLIOT | United States | 917-902-5064 | | elliot.gardner@case.edu | Systematics of flowering plants, especially the flora of tropical Asia. Revisionary systematics and pollination biology of Moraceae. Phylogenomics. Chemical ecology and floral volatile chemistry. | View |
| Poindexter, Emily | United States | | | emily.b.poindexter@gmail.com | Plant systematics, conservation, herbaria, natural history collections | View |
| ROALSON, ERIC H. | United States | 509-335-7921 | | eric_roalson@wsu.edu | Cyperaceae; Gesneriaceae; Cleomaceae; C4 evolution. | View |
| DOUCETTE, ERIC | United States | 2074852594 | | eric.t.doucette@gmail.com | Systematics of Amelanchier (Rosaceae), Speciation and species concepts, floristics of the Northeast | View |
| TEPE, ERIC J. | United States | 513-376-5539 | | eric.tepe@uc.edu | Systematics of Piper (Piperaceae) & Solanum (Solanaceae); evolution of ant-plant associations. | View |