| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| MABBERLEY, DAVID J. | Australia | +61-2-9231-8112 | | david_mabberley@yahoo.co.uk | Citrus; Clerodendrum; Meliaceae. | View |
| FERGUSON, DAVID K. | Austria | +43-2742-72155 | | david.kay.ferguson@univie.ac.at | Tertiary leaf remains; taxonomy of woody plants with a fossil record; eastern Asiatic botany. | View |
| LEMKE, DAVID E. | United States | 512-245-3364 | | david.lemke@txstate.edu | Flora of Texas; systematic anatomy; fossil woods; biology of aquatic plants. | View |
| BAILEY, C. DONOVAN | United States | 575-646-7012 | | dbailey@nmsu.edu | Systematics of the Brassicaceae & Fabaceae. | View |
| GERNANDT, David | Mexico | +52-555-622-9080 | | dsgernandt@gmail.com | Conifer systematics. | View |
| MORGAN, DAVID | United States | 678-839-4044 | | dmorgan@westga.edu | Asteraceae; Rosaceae; molecular systematics; vascular plant and bryophyte floristics and ecology | View |
| DORR, LAURENCE J. | United States | 7035324722 | | dorrl@si.edu | Malvaceae; northern Andean flora; biography & botanical bibliography. | View |
| PENNEYS, DARIN | United States | 910.962.3046 | | dpenneys@yahoo.com | Phylogenetics of the Melastomataceae. SE USA flora. Philippines flora. | View |
| WALTERS, DIRK R. | United States | 805-543-7051 | | dwalters@calpoly.edu | Local flora; Schizanthus (Solanaceae). | View |
| Dean, Ellen | United States | 5305744271 | | eadean@omsoft.com | Systematics of Lycianthes; ethnobotany; flora of California. | View |
| HERMSEN, ELIZABETH J. | United States | 607-273-6623 | | ejhermsen@gmail.com | Paleobotany; plant systematics. | View |
| KNOX, ERIC | United States | 812-332-0904 | | eknox@iu.edu | Evolution of giant senecios & giant lobelias, employing morphology, DNA, ecology, biogeography; Asteraceae; Lobeliaceae. | View |
| NORMAN, ELIANE M. | United States | 407-279-8699 | | elianen@aol.com | Buddleja and related genera; Asimina & Deeringothamnus (Annonaceae); reproductive biology of Florida plants; evolution of Cheiroglossa palmata, Hand Fern; travels of Andre Michaux, | View |
| Elisens, Wayne | United States | 4054134813 | | elisens@ou.edu | Lamiales. | View |
| GARDNER, ELLIOT | United States | 917-902-5064 | | elliot.gardner@case.edu | Systematics of flowering plants, especially the flora of tropical Asia. Revisionary systematics and pollination biology of Moraceae. Phylogenomics. Chemical ecology and floral volatile chemistry. | View |
| ERBAR, CLAUDIA | Germany | +49-06221-475990 | | claudia.erbar@alumni.uni-heidelberg.de | Origin & early evolution of angiosperms; origin & early evolution of monocots; relationships in Asteridae s.l.; formation of corolla tubes; flower development; flower ecology; secondary pollen presentation in Asteridae s.l. | View |
| ERTTER, BARBARA | United States | | | bjertter@gmail.com | Floristics & botanical history of western United States; taxonomy of Potentilleae (Rosaceae). | View |
| SCHILLING, EDWARD E. | United States | 865-974-3065 | | eschilling@utk.edu | Asteraceae, subtribe Helianthinae, tribes Cichorieae and Eupatorieae; Trillium; Lobelia; rare plants of southeastern U.S.A. | View |
| EVANS, TIMOTHY M. | United States | 616-331-8704 | | evanstim@gvsu.edu | Systematics of Commelinaceae; molecular systematics. | View |
| ALMEDA, FRANK | United States | 415-379-5359 | | falmeda@calacademy.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae and neotropical Symplocaceae | View |
| BARRIE, FRED R. | United States | 312-665-7848 | | fbarrie@fieldmuseum.org | Valerianaceae; Myrtaceae; nomenclature. | View |
| Folk, Ryan | United States | 662-325-3279 | | rfolk@biology.msstate.edu | Heuchera: systematics, molecular phylogenetics, hybridization, species delimitation; niche evolution in the Saxifragales | View |
| FREUND, FORREST | United States | 415-497-9687 | | forrest.freund@alumni.cgu.edu | Isoetes - Phylogenetics/Phylogeography, Population genetics, anatomy/morphology, taxonomy | View |
| FREUDENSTEIN, JOHN V. | United States | 614-688-0363 | | freudenstein.1@osu.edu | Systematics of Orchidaceae, Ericaceae; species circumscription, genome evolution, ontogeny | View |
| ALLEN, GERALDINE A. | Canada | 250-721-7110 | | gallen@uvic.ca | Phylogeny and phylogenomics (esp. Asteraceae); phylogeography; plant sex expression; conservation genetics and rare species | View |
| Gandhi, Kanchi | United States | 6174951939 | | gandhi@oeb.harvard.edu | Nomenclature; systematics of Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Asteraceae; Flora of North America; Flora of India. | View |
| DIGGS, GEORGE M. | United States | 903-813-2246 | | gdiggs@austincollege.edu | Ericaceae; Arbuteae; Floristics of Texas. | View |
| STAPLES, GEORGE | United States | | | geozsg@gmail.com | Convolvulaceae; taxonomy of cultivated plants; nomenclature. | View |
| McPHERSON, GORDON D. | United States | 314-577-9571 | | gordon.mcpherson@mobot.org | Floristics of New Caledonia, Panama, Gabon; Madagascan Euphorbiaceae. | View |
| MARX, HANNAH | United States | | | h.marx.h@gmail.com | Alpine botany; community phylogenetics; biogeography | View |
| LACK, H. WALTER | Germany | +49 30 838 50100 | | h.w.lack@bgbm.org | Asteraceae; history of systematic botany. | View |
| HALSE, RICHARD R. | United States | 541-753-2037 | | halser@science.oregonstate.edu | Taxonomy of the Hydrophyllaceae. | View |
| OCHOTERENA, HELGA | Mexico | +525556229122 | | helga@ib.unam.mx | Taxonomy & sytematics of Rubiaceae; cladistics; gypsophylly. | View |
| HOWARTH, DIANELLA | United States | 718-990-1679 | | howarthd@stjohns.edu | Floral evo-devo and evolution of Hawaiian plants. | View |
| VALDESPINO Q., IVAN | Panama | +507-321-0918 | | iavaldespino@gmail.com | Neotropical ferns and lycophytes; Selaginella (Selaginellaceae); biodiversity conservation. | View |
| JORDON-THADEN, INGRID | United States | 5105523512 | | ijordonthaden@murraystate.edu | Biological corridors, population genetics, polyploidy, and breeding systems in flowering plants, in particular Brassicaceae. | View |
| COLUMBUS, J. TRAVIS | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.227 | | j.travis.columbus@cgu.edu | Systematics of grasses (Poaceae) and wild buckwheats (Polygonaceae). | View |
| SCHMIDT JABAILY, RACHEL | United States | | | jabailyr@gmail.com | plant systematics; phylogenetic inference; life history; Goodeniaceae; Bromeliaceae | View |
| DOYLE, JAMES | United States | 530-752-7591 | | jadoyle@ucdavis.edu | Phylogeny & evolution of angiosperms and seed plants; paleobotany; palynology. | View |
| COHEN, JAMES I. | United States | 607-342-3071 | | jimcohen1000@gmail.com | Boraginaceae; breeding system evolution, particularly heterostyly; floral development. | View |
| JANSEN, ROBERT K. | United States | 5124718827 | | jansen@austin.utexas.edu | Organization and evolution of plastid genomes; computational methods for comparative genomics; coordinated evolution between mitochondrial, nuclear and plastid genomes; and systematics and the evolution of the Geraniaceae and Fabaceae | View |
| SEMPLE, JOHN C. | Canada | 519-746-8399 | | jcsemple@uwaterloo.ca | Systematics of Asteraceae tribe Astereae; asters, goldenasters, & goldenrods; current focus on Solidago | View |
| WHIPPLE, JENNIFER | United States | 406-599-4165 | | jennifer_whipple@nps.gov | Vascular plants of Yellowstone. | View |
| Xiang, Qiuyun (Jenny) | United States | 9195152728 | | jenny_xiang@ncsu.edu | Cornales, eastern Asian-eastern North American disjunct taxa; phylogenetics, biogeography, evo-devo of inflorescences, population and conservation genetics/genomics | View |
| SMITH, JAMES F. | United States | 208-426-3551 | | jfsmith@boisestate.edu | Gesneriaceae, Piperaceae, Western North American Apiaceae | View |
| DAVIS, JERROLD I. | United States | | | jid1@cornell.edu | Systematics of monocots, especially Poaceae; species and speciation. | View |
| KALLUNKI, JACQUELYN A. | United States | | | jkallunki@nybg.org | Neotropical Rutaceae. | View |
| CLARK, JOHN L. | United States | | | jlclark@selby.org | Systematics; Gesneriaceae; neotropical flora. | View |
| McNEILL, JOHN | United Kingdom | +44-131-248-2848 | | jmcneill@rbge.org.uk | Caryophyllaceae; nomenclature; numerical techniques in systematics. | View |
| HU, JER-MING | Taiwan | +886-2-33662472 | | jmhu@ntu.edu.tw | Parasitic plants; systematics; floristic study | View |