| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| HOWARTH, DIANELLA | United States | 718-990-1679 | | howarthd@stjohns.edu | Floral evo-devo and evolution of Hawaiian plants. | View |
| JORDON-THADEN, INGRID | United States | 5105523512 | | ijordonthaden@murraystate.edu | Biological corridors, population genetics, polyploidy, and breeding systems in flowering plants, in particular Brassicaceae. | View |
| COLUMBUS, J. TRAVIS | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.227 | | j.travis.columbus@cgu.edu | Systematics of grasses (Poaceae) and wild buckwheats (Polygonaceae). | View |
| SCHMIDT JABAILY, RACHEL | United States | | | jabailyr@gmail.com | plant systematics; phylogenetic inference; life history; Goodeniaceae; Bromeliaceae | View |
| DOYLE, JAMES | United States | 530-752-7591 | | jadoyle@ucdavis.edu | Phylogeny & evolution of angiosperms and seed plants; paleobotany; palynology. | View |
| COHEN, JAMES I. | United States | 607-342-3071 | | jimcohen1000@gmail.com | Boraginaceae; breeding system evolution, particularly heterostyly; floral development. | View |
| JANSEN, ROBERT K. | United States | 5124718827 | | jansen@austin.utexas.edu | Organization and evolution of plastid genomes; computational methods for comparative genomics; coordinated evolution between mitochondrial, nuclear and plastid genomes; and systematics and the evolution of the Geraniaceae and Fabaceae | View |
| WHIPPLE, JENNIFER | United States | 406-599-4165 | | jennifer_whipple@nps.gov | Vascular plants of Yellowstone. | View |
| Xiang, Qiuyun (Jenny) | United States | 9195152728 | | jenny_xiang@ncsu.edu | Cornales, eastern Asian-eastern North American disjunct taxa; phylogenetics, biogeography, evo-devo of inflorescences, population and conservation genetics/genomics | View |
| SMITH, JAMES F. | United States | 208-426-3551 | | jfsmith@boisestate.edu | Gesneriaceae, Piperaceae, Western North American Apiaceae | View |
| DAVIS, JERROLD I. | United States | | | jid1@cornell.edu | Systematics of monocots, especially Poaceae; species and speciation. | View |
| KALLUNKI, JACQUELYN A. | United States | | | jkallunki@nybg.org | Neotropical Rutaceae. | View |
| CLARK, JOHN L. | United States | | | jlclark@selby.org | Systematics; Gesneriaceae; neotropical flora. | View |
| MICKEL, JOHN T. | United States | 718-817-8636 | 718-817-8648 | jmickel@nybg.org | Pteridophyytes, esp. Anemia & Elaphoglossm; fern flora of Mexico. | View |
| SHAW, JOEY | United States | 423-425-4265 | 423-425-2285 | joey-shaw@utc.edu | Molecular systematics; Prunus; Rosaceae; floristics; invasive foreign species. | View |
| SCHENK, JOHN J. | United States | (912) 478-0848 | | schenk@ohio.edu | Phylogenetics of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae), Podostemaceae, and Mentzelia (Loasaceae); Macroevolution, Floral Evolution | View |
| ALLRED, KELLY W. | United States | 575-644-1265 | | kla49@outlook.com | Flora of New Mexico; Poaceae; Aristida; Bothriochloa; mosses of New Mexico. | View |
| MITCHELL, JOHN D. | United States | 917-842-6940 | | johndanmitchell@gmail.com | Anacardiaceae. | View |
| Holsinger, Kent | United States | | | kent.holsinger@uconn.edu | Theoretical & experimental aspects of plant population biology; systematics of Clarkia (Onagraceae). | View |
| NIKLAS, KARL J. | United States | | | kjn2@cornell.edu | Plant morphology & evolution; biomechanics. | View |
| MATHEWS, KATHERINE G. | United States | 828-227-3659 | | kmathews@email.wcu.edu | Plant systematics; Southern Appalachian plants; high-elevation rock outcrop plants | View |
| CAMERON, KENNETH M. | United States | 608-265-9237 | 608-262-7509 | kmcameron@wisc.edu | Orchidaceae evolution & classification; Smilacaceae. | View |
| NEUBIG, KURT | United States | 6184533823 | | kneubig@siu.edu | Systematics. | View |
| KRIEBEL, RICARDO | United States | 6462566905 | | kriebelr@gmail.com | Lamiales; Myrtales; Costa Rican flora. | View |
| JOHNSON, LEIGH | United States | 801-422-5241 | 801-422-0090 | leigh_johnson@byu.edu | Polemoniaceae, esp. tribe Gilieae; speciation. | View |
| URBATSCH, LOWELL | United States | 225-921-1614 | | leu@lsu.edu | Asteraceae; molecular systematics; central Gulf of Mexico flora | View |
| ZHANG, LI-BING | United States | 314-577-9454 | | libing.zhang@mobot.org | | View |
| JANEWAY, LAWRENCE | United States | 530-898-5381 | | ljaneway@csuchico.edu | Carex (Cyperaceae); northern California floristics; herbarium curator (CHSC). | View |
| DAVENPORT, L. J. | United States | 205-726-2584 | | ljdavenp@samford.edu | Aquatic vascular plants; Lemnaceae; history of botany. | View |
| LORENCE, DAVID | United States | 8086519054 | | lorence@ntbg.org | Pteridophytes; Monimiaceae & Rubiaceae of Mexico & Central America; floras of Marquesas Is., Hawaii, Micronesia. | View |
| FRANK, MARC S. | United States | 352-273-1994 | | mfrank@flmnh.ufl.edu | Herbarium collection management; plant identification; horticultural taxonomy | View |
| MAYER, MICHAEL S. | United States | 619-260-4081/4729 | | mayer@sandiego.edu | Molecular systematics & microevolutionary studies in species complexes | View |
| WINDHAM, MICHAEL D. | United States | 801-440-5458 | | michael.windham@duke.edu | Cytotaxonomy; pteridophytes; Brassicaceae (esp. Boechera & Draba). | View |
| DeVore, Melanie | United States | 4784532501 | | melanie.devore@gcsu.edu | Systematic Paleobotany, Asteraceae, Rosaceae | View |
| ISLAM, MELISSA | United States | | | melissa.islam@gmail.com | Rhamnaceae; Erythroxylaceae. | View |
| Gostel, Morgan | United States | 817-463-4199 | | mgostel@brit.org | Asteraceae, Burseraceae, Commiphora, Plant molecular systematics, Phylogenomics, Biogeography, Madagascar | View |
| HANES, MARGARET | United States | 734-487-4394 | | mkoopma2@emich.edu | Madagascar; Malvaceae; Hibiscus | View |
| MOODY, MICHAEL L. | United States | 915-500-9113 | | mlmoody@utep.edu | Systematics, phylogeography, taxonomy, conservation, genomics | View |
| NAZAIRE, MARE | United States | 909-625-8767 x268 | | mnazaire@calbg.org | Taxonomy and systematics of Boraginaceae / Boraginales; floristic research of peatlands, alpine, desert, regions in California; aquatic botany; natural history collections | View |
| FRAGA, NAOMI | United States | 909-625-8767 | | nfraga@rsabg.org | Floristics, Systematics of Phrymaceae, rare plants | View |
| TIPPERY, NICHOLAS | United States | 262-472-1061 | | nicholas.tippery@gmail.com | Aquatic plants; Menyanthaceae. | View |
| SNOW, NEIL | United States | 6202354424 | | nsnow@pittstate.edu | Myrtaceae; Poaceae; floristics; herbarium curation | View |
| OLMSTEAD, RICHARD G. | United States | 206-618-1008 | | olmstead@u.washington.edu | Systematics of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae); molecular systematics of Boraginales, Lamiales, Solanales & other Asteridae; Angiosperm phylogeny. Neotropical biodiversity. | View |
| Vargas, Oscar M | United States | 512-300-9236 | | ov20@humboldt.edu | Phylogenomics; Neotropics; California Floristic Province; Andes; Linochilus; Diplostephium; Lecythidaceae. | View |
| CALIE, PATRICK | United States | 859-622-1543 | | pat.calie@eku.edu | Systematics and phylogenetics of Sararceniaceae, Carex, Rhyncospora, Solidago | View |
| SWEENEY, PATRICK | United States | 203-432-3537 | | patrick.sweeney@yale.edu | Systematics & evolution of Clusiaceae (esp. Garcinia) and Viburnum (Adoxaceae), biodiversity informatics, North American florisitics | View |
| COROGIN, PAUL | United States | 352-256-8102 | | pcorogin@ufl.edu | Flora of Florida and the North American Coastal Plain; the genus Sideroxylon | View |
| RAVEN, PETER H. | United States | 314-577-9577 | 314-577-9596 | peter.raven@mobot.org | Plant geography; Onagraceae. | View |
| STEVENS, PETER F. | United States | 314-577-0861 | | peter.stevens@mobot.org | History & theory of systematics; Clusiaceae; Ericaceae; flowering plant phylogeny. | View |
| WYSE JACKSON, PETER | United States | 314-577-5110 | | pwysejackson@mobot.org | Botany. | View |