| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| TEPE, ERIC J. | United States | 513-376-5539 | | eric.tepe@uc.edu | Systematics of Piper (Piperaceae) & Solanum (Solanaceae); evolution of ant-plant associations. | View |
| FREUDENSTEIN, JOHN V. | United States | 614-688-0363 | | freudenstein.1@osu.edu | Systematics of Orchidaceae, Ericaceae; species circumscription, genome evolution, ontogeny | View |
| WHITTEMORE, ALAN | | 650-368-5136 | | atwhittemore@gmail.com | Systematics of North American & Central American plants; systematics of bryophytes; mechanisms of taxonomic evolution. | View |
| ZULOAGA, FERNANDO O. | Argentina | +54-11-4743-4800 | | secretaria@darwin.edu.ar | Systematics of New World Poaceae. | View |
| KIRKBRIDE, JR., JOSEPH H. | United States | 1-301-602-6958 | | kirkbridej@si.edu | Systematics of Neotropical Rubiaceae; Catalpa (Bignoniaceae); Chionanthus (Oleaceae); Fabaceae, Loteae; Cucumis (Cucurbitaceae). | View |
| BORNSTEIN, ALLAN | United States | 573-651-2353 | | abornstein@semo.edu | Systematics of Neotropical Piper (Piperaceae). | View |
| CLEMENT, WENDY | United States | 609-771-2672 | | clementw@tcnj.edu | Systematics of Moraceae, Dipsacales, Viburnum, Lonicera. | View |
| DAVIS, JERROLD I. | United States | | | jid1@cornell.edu | Systematics of monocots, especially Poaceae; species and speciation. | View |
| Galvan-Gonzalez, Luis G. | Mexico | | | luis.g.gal@gmail.com | Systematics of Mexican Loranthaceae. | View |
| Ortiz-Gentry, Rosa | United States | 314-577-5171 | | rosa.ortiz-gentry@mobot.org | Systematics of Menispermaceae. | View |
| MICHELANGELI, FABIAN A. | United States | 718-817-8199 | | fabian@nybg.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae, esp. Miconieae & Merianieae; Ant plant relationships; Floristics of the Venezuelan Guayana. | View |
| ALMEDA, FRANK | United States | 415-379-5359 | | falmeda@calacademy.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae and neotropical Symplocaceae | View |
| LA DUKE, JOHN C. | United States | | | sphaeralcea516@gmail.com | Systematics of Malvaceae; Sphaeralcea Asteraceae - Tithonia | View |
| TATE, JENNIFER | New Zealand | | | j.tate@massey.ac.nz | Systematics of Malvaceae; polyploid evolution; breeding systems. | View |
| GRAHAM, SHIRLEY A. | United States | | | shirley.graham@mobot.org | Systematics of Lythraceae. | View |
| Dean, Ellen | United States | 5305744271 | | eadean@omsoft.com | Systematics of Lycianthes; ethnobotany; flora of California. | View |
| Cantino, Philip | United States | 7405911765 | 7405911765 | pcantino@gmail.com | Systematics of Lamiaceae; phylogenetic nomenclature. | View |
| HIGGINS, WESLEY E. | United States | 239-542-3857 | | wesley.higgins@comcast.net | Systematics of Laeliinae (Orchidaceae). | View |
| COLUMBUS, J. TRAVIS | United States | 909-625-8767 Ext.227 | | j.travis.columbus@cgu.edu | Systematics of grasses (Poaceae) and wild buckwheats (Polygonaceae). | View |
| Shamsid-Deen, Maya | United States | 5056043797 | | | Systematics of Glossopetalon, phenotypic plasticity, plant colonization, plant biology | View |
| BOUFFORD, DAVID | United States | 16174950794 | | david_boufford@harvard.edu | Systematics of flowering plants; floristics of eastern Asia; phytogeography | View |
| GARDNER, ELLIOT | United States | 917-902-5064 | | elliot.gardner@case.edu | Systematics of flowering plants, especially the flora of tropical Asia. Revisionary systematics and pollination biology of Moraceae. Phylogenomics. Chemical ecology and floral volatile chemistry. | View |
| Chen, Cheng-Wei | Taiwan | | | wade0504@gmail.com | Systematics of ferns | View |
| Levin, Geoffrey | Canada | 819-775-6508 | | levin1@illinois.edu | Systematics of Euphorbiaceae & related families. | View |
| BARTEL, JIM A. | United States | 760-522-1968 | | jimabartel@gmail.com | systematics of Dudleya (Crassulaceae); ecology & systematics of Hesperocyparis (Cupressaceae). | View |
| SKEMA, CYNTHIA | United States | | | cks28@cornell.edu | Systematics of dombeyoids and Malvaceae, floral development & gender expression, flora of Madagascar, flora of Pennsylvania, digitization of herbarium collections | View |
| REZNICEK, ANTON (TONY) A. | United States | 734-764-5544; 734-996-0692 | | reznicek@umich.edu | Systematics of Cyperaceae; Floristics, Biogeography, and Botanical History of the Great Lakes Region | View |
| BRUHL, JEREMY J. | Australia | +61-67-73-2429 | +61-67-73-3283 | jbruhl@une.edu.au | Systematics of Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae; photosynthetic pathway variation; automated databasing. | View |
| METZGAR, JORDAN S. | United States | 1-540-231-6768 | | metzgar@vt.edu | Systematics of Cryptogramma; collections management; pteridology; undergraduate research. | View |
| Dickinson, Timothy | Canada | 416-700-1607 | 416-586-7921 | tim.dickinson@utoronto.ca | Systematics of Crataegus, Maloideae, Rosaceae; morphometrics, comparative morphology. | View |
| EVANS, TIMOTHY M. | United States | 616-331-8704 | | evanstim@gvsu.edu | Systematics of Commelinaceae; molecular systematics. | View |
| TANK, DAVID | United States | 307-766-4276 | | dtank@uwyo.edu | Systematics of Castilleja & subtribe Castillejinae (Orobanchaceae); allopolyploidy; molecular systematics of Asteridae with an emphasis on Campanulidae, Lamiales, & Orbanchaceae. | View |
| NACZI, ROBERT F. C. | United States | 718-817-8087 | | rnaczi@nybg.org | Systematics of Carex (Cyperaceae); systematics of Sarraceniaceae. | View |
| Ayers, Tina | United States | 9285239482 | | tina.ayers@nau.edu | Systematics of Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae, Floristics, Biogeography, Rare Plant Conservation | View |
| ZIMMERMAN, ALLAN D. | United States | | | | Systematics of Cactaceae. | View |
| PRICE, ROBERT A. | United States | 916-662-5917 | | rprice@cdfa.ca.gov | Systematics of Brassicaceae; evolution of conifers. | View |
| Katinas, Liliana | Argentina | | | katinas@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar | Systematics of Asteraceae, focusing on morphology & anatomy; cladistics & historical biogeography. | View |
| SEMPLE, JOHN C. | Canada | 519-746-8399 | | jcsemple@uwaterloo.ca | Systematics of Asteraceae tribe Astereae; asters, goldenasters, & goldenrods; current focus on Solidago | View |
| LOWRY II, PORTER P. | United States | 314-577-9453 | | pete.lowry@mobot.org | Systematics of Araliaceae and Ebenaceae; flora & vegetation of Madagascar & New Caledonia; plant conservation. | View |
| Pell, Susan | United States | 2025588058 | | susankpell@gmail.com | Systematics of Anacardiaceae and Sapindales, informal botanical education | View |
| DOUCETTE, ERIC | United States | 2074852594 | | eric.t.doucette@gmail.com | Systematics of Amelanchier (Rosaceae), Speciation and species concepts, floristics of the Northeast | View |
| VARGAS RODRIGUEZ, YALMA | Mexico | +52-3315350817 | | yalmavargas@gmail.com | Systematics of Acer; phylogeography; Quercus; Tilia; conservation genetics | View |
| KIEL, CARRIE | United States | 267-992-5643 | | ckiel@rsabg.org | Systematics of Acanthaceae / floral evolution / conservation biology / phylogenomics | View |
| TAYLOR, DAVID WILLIAM | United States | 503-943-8513 | | taylorda@up.edu | Systematics and reproductive biology of the Malpighiaceae and Rubiaceae; Chione; Colleteria; Wandersong; Stigmaphyllon; economic botany; ethnobotany. | View |
| MAJURE, LUCAS | United States | 352-214-4119 | | lmajure@floridamuseum.ufl.edu | Systematics and phylogeny (Miconia, Miconieae, Opuntia, Opuntioideae, Cactaceae; Simaroubaceae); polyploidy, reticulate evolution, speciation, floristics, Greater Antilles | View |
| CALIE, PATRICK | United States | 859-622-1543 | | pat.calie@eku.edu | Systematics and phylogenetics of Sararceniaceae, Carex, Rhyncospora, Solidago | View |
| Dowdell, Kandiss | United States | 4064254123 | | kldowdell@ucdavis.edu | Systematics and Evolutionary Biology | View |
| BALLARD, JR., HARVEY E. | United States | 740-818-7730 | | ballardh@ohio.edu | Systematics and evolution of the Violaceae | View |
| SALAZAR, GERARDO A. | Mexico | +52-5556229095 | | gasc@ib.unam.mx | Systematics and evolution of Orchidaceae and other flowering plants | View |
| WURDACK, KENNETH J. | United States | 202-633-0916 | | wurdackk@si.edu | Systematics and evolution of Euphorbiaceae and other Malpighiales; molecular evolution; botanical history. | View |