| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| MARHOLD, KAROL | Slovakia | +421-910-128891 | | karol.marhold@savba.sk | Plant Taxonomy, Molecular Systematics, Karyology, Multivariate Morphometrics, Nomenclature, Cruciferae, Asteraceae | View |
| CHAUTEMS, ALAIN | Switzerland | | | alain.chautems@geneve.ch | Neotropical Gesneriaceae taxonomy. | View |
| MOORE, SHANN-JYE | Taiwan | +886-2-29326234-230 | | | | View |
| WATERS, TIMOTHY | United Kingdom | +44-7905-884537 | | timwaters@fastmail.fm | Agathis; Araucariaceae; woody plant architecture; identification of trees from bark characters; morphology; bryophytes; species concepts & species delimitation. | View |
| SORENG, ROBERT J. | United States | 202-633-0981 | | sorengr@si.edu | Poaceae, Pooideae, & Poa; 2009 Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) project web site: <http://mobot.mobot.org/W3T/Search/nwgc.html>. | View |
| BARTEL, JIM A. | United States | 760-522-1968 | | jimabartel@gmail.com | systematics of Dudleya (Crassulaceae); ecology & systematics of Hesperocyparis (Cupressaceae). | View |
| BECK, JAMES | United States | 316-978-6063 | | james.beck@wichita.edu | Solidago; polyploidy; species delimitation; cytogeography; ferns | View |
| ZIMMER, ELIZABETH A. | United States | 7038639806 | | zimmerl@si.edu | 11Molecular systematics; biogeography; phylogeography; angiosperms; ferns; multigene families; genome evolution | View |
| Bruederle, Leo P. | United States | 303-903-6504 | | leo.bruederle@ucdenver.edu | Taxonomy & systematics of Carex (Cyperaceae); population and conservation genetics of rare plants; ecological niche modeling. | View |
| McMULLEN, CONLEY K. | United States | 540-568-3805 | | mcmullck@jmu.edu | Reproductive biology, systematics, and floristics of Galapagos Islands and eastern U.S. angiosperms. | View |
| McCauley, Ross A. | United States | 970-247-7338 | | mccauley_r@fortlewis.edu | Speciation and hybridization in Quercus; Systematics of Amaranthaceae; Phylogeography of the southwestern United States; Speciation and conservation of Astragalus in Western North America; Evolution of endemic plants in the Galapagos Islands; Small herbarium curation; Botanical teaching. | View |
| Pérez Zabala, Jorge Andrés | Colombia | 6044309348 | | japzmedel@gmail.com | Neotropical floristics; Rosaceae; Prunus; Rutaceae; Biogeography; Plant Ecology. | View |
| HIGGINS, WESLEY E. | United States | 239-542-3857 | | wesley.higgins@comcast.net | Systematics of Laeliinae (Orchidaceae). | View |
| SPECHT, CHELSEA D. | United States | (607) 255-9293 | | cdspecht@cornell.edu | Systematics & floral evolution in Costaceae; Zingiberales; monocot phylogenetics; molecular evolution; morphology with emphasis on monocots & Zingiberales. | View |
| MICHELANGELI, FABIAN A. | United States | 718-817-8199 | | fabian@nybg.org | Systematics of Melastomataceae, esp. Miconieae & Merianieae; Ant plant relationships; Floristics of the Venezuelan Guayana. | View |
| KEELEY, STERLING C. | United States | 808-542-1923 | | sterling@hawaii.edu | Systematics of Vernonieae (Asteraceae); chaparral fire ecology. | View |
| PATTERSON, ROBERT W. | United States | 415-699-6599 | | patters47@gmail.com | Systematics of Polemoniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, and Namaceae; California floristics. | View |
| RANKER, TOM A. | United States | 808-489-2832 | | tom.ranker@gmail.com | Systematics, Island Biogeography and Biodiversity, Floristics, Ferns & Lycophytes | View |
| CARR, GERALD D. | United States | 541-753-0185 | | gdcarr@comcast.net | Biosystematics; cytogenetics; chromosome evolution; Asteraceae (Madiinae); Oregon flora. | View |
| FRITSCH, PETER W. | United States | 817-332-4441 | | pfritsch@fwbg.org | Ericales, esp. Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Clethraceae & Ericaceae (Gaultheria, Vaccinium); Cercis (Fabaceae); biogeography; flora of China,Philippines. | View |
| DANIEL, THOMAS F. | United States | 415-379-5350 | | tdaniel@calacademy.org | Systematics, phylogeny, and reproductive biology of Acanthaceae, Floristics in the southwestern USA and Mexico, Flora of San Francisco County. | View |
| MAST, AUSTIN R. | United States | 850-645-1500 | | amast@fsu.edu | Director of the Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium (FSU); biodiversity informatics; phylogenomics; Proteaceae; citizen/community/participatory science | View |
| ICKERT-BOND, STEFANIE M. | United States | 907-474-6277 | | smickertbond@alaska.edu | Molecular systematics, phylogeny, biogeography, & morphological evolution; comparative morphology and anatomy; integration of fossil data to biogeography, speciation & character evolution; revisionary work; Altingiaceae, Ephedra, Vitaceae, Oxytropis, | View |
| LOWRY II, PORTER P. | United States | 314-577-9453 | | pete.lowry@mobot.org | Systematics of Araliaceae and Ebenaceae; flora & vegetation of Madagascar & New Caledonia; plant conservation. | View |
| MOORE, Michael | United States | 4199216679 | | michael.moore@oberlin.edu | gypsum endemism; phylogeography; angiosperm phylogenetics; phylogenomics; Hawaii; Mexico; Chihuahuan Desert; Caryophyllales; Nyctaginaceae; Boraginaceae; Asteraceae; Onagraceae; Schiedea | View |
| BARBER, SUSAN C. | United States | 405-823-6345 | | sbarber1@cox.net | Systematics of Verbena (Verbenaceae) & Pyrrhopappus (Asteraceae). | View |
| LISTON, AARON | United States | 5417375301 | | listona@science.oregonstate.edu | Genomics; Fragaria; Asclepias; Pinus; Oregon | View |
| BLOCK, TIMOTHY | United States | 215-247-5777 Ext.130 | | block@upenn.edu | Flora of Pennsylvania. | View |
| TANK, DAVID | United States | 307-766-4276 | | dtank@uwyo.edu | Systematics of Castilleja & subtribe Castillejinae (Orobanchaceae); allopolyploidy; molecular systematics of Asteridae with an emphasis on Campanulidae, Lamiales, & Orbanchaceae. | View |
| PRATHER, ALAN | United States | 517-355-4695 | | alan@msu.edu | Systematics of Polemoniaceae; Lamiaceae; Phlox, Monarda; polyploidy | View |
| ZEREGA, NYREE | United States | 847-467-1266 | | nzerega@chicagobotanic.org | Systematics, evolution, phylogenomics, biogeography, crop origins, underutilized crops, perennial crops, pollination, Artocarpus, breadfruit, jackfruit, Moraceae, grafting | View |
| Krosnick, Shawn | United States | 870-949-1432 | | skrosnick@tntech.edu | Passifloraceae; floral development; evolution of nectaries in Passiflora. | View |
| ROALSON, ERIC H. | United States | 509-335-7921 | | eric_roalson@wsu.edu | Cyperaceae; Gesneriaceae; Cleomaceae; C4 evolution. | View |
| NICKRENT, DANIEL | United States | 618-303-2971 | | dn277@cornell.edu | Molecular phylogeny, evolution, genomics; parasitic plants, especially Santalales | View |
| BATTEN, ALAN R. | United States | 907-488-3205 | | alanbatten@acsalaska.net | Alaskan Flora. | View |
| Kirchoff, Bruce | United States | 3366390049 | | kirchoff@uncg.edu | morphology, development, pedagogy | View |
| SCHAEFER, HANNO | Germany | 0049-8161-715884 | | hanno.schaefer@tum.de | Cucurbitaceae; Flora of the Azores; pollination biology. | View |
| POTTER, DANIEL | United States | 530-754-6141 | | dpotter@ucdavis.edu | | View |
| KIRKBRIDE, JR., JOSEPH H. | United States | 1-301-602-6958 | | kirkbridej@si.edu | Systematics of Neotropical Rubiaceae; Catalpa (Bignoniaceae); Chionanthus (Oleaceae); Fabaceae, Loteae; Cucumis (Cucurbitaceae). | View |
| JENSEN, DOUGLAS P. | United States | 864-596-9123 | | douglas.jensen@converse.edu | Primitive land plants. | View |
| JUDD, WALTER S. | United States | 352-273-1983 | | lyonia@ufl.edu | Angiosperm systematics, especially Ericaceae; Melastomataceae. | View |
| MEEROW, ALAN W. | United States | 9548160707 | | griffinia@gmail.com | Systematics; genetics; molecular systematics; Amaryllidaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Arecaceae; monocotyledons; cycads. | View |
| GRAHAM, SHIRLEY A. | United States | | | shirley.graham@mobot.org | Systematics of Lythraceae. | View |
| PRICE, ROBERT A. | United States | 916-662-5917 | | rprice@cdfa.ca.gov | Systematics of Brassicaceae; evolution of conifers. | View |
| Rohrer, Joseph | United States | 715-835-0560 | | jrohrer@uwec.edu | | View |
| LA DUKE, JOHN C. | United States | | | sphaeralcea516@gmail.com | Systematics of Malvaceae; Sphaeralcea Asteraceae - Tithonia | View |
| MORIN, NANCY R. | United States | 707-684-0277 | | nancy.morin@nau.edu | Campanulaceae, North American floristics. | View |
| WHITTEMORE, ALAN | | 650-368-5136 | | atwhittemore@gmail.com | Systematics of North American & Central American plants; systematics of bryophytes; mechanisms of taxonomic evolution. | View |
| BROWN, MEREDITH LANE | United States | 5208184594 | | meredithalane@gmail.com | Genealogy; taxonomy and pollination biology of Compositae, particularly Astereae; forensic botany. | View |
| Levin, Geoffrey | Canada | 819-775-6508 | | levin1@illinois.edu | Systematics of Euphorbiaceae & related families. | View |