| Name | Country (Main) | Phone and Extension-Phone (Main) | Phone and Extension-Fax (Main) | Email (Main) | Research Interests | |
| WALLACE, LISA | United States | 757-683-4947 | | lewallac@odu.edu | Orchidaceae; biogeography; plant conservation; systematics | View |
| WILLYARD, ANN M. | United States | 5015485073 | | willyard@hendrix.edu | Pines. | View |
| Ortiz-Gentry, Rosa | United States | 314-577-5171 | | rosa.ortiz-gentry@mobot.org | Systematics of Menispermaceae. | View |
| TEPE, ERIC J. | United States | 513-376-5539 | | eric.tepe@uc.edu | Systematics of Piper (Piperaceae) & Solanum (Solanaceae); evolution of ant-plant associations. | View |
| GILMAN, ARTHUR V. | United States | | | avgilman@together.net | Pteridophytes; Rosa; Floristics of Northeastern North America | View |
| STRUWE, LENA | United States | 848-932-6343 | | lena.struwe@rutgers.edu | Gentianaceae; tropical biogeography; Loganiaceae; Gelsemiaceae; molecular systematics; urban botany; weeds; botanical education; | View |
| DONOGHUE, MICHAEL J. | United States | 203-747-4491 | (203) 432-7907 | michael.donoghue@yale.edu | | View |
| KEPHART, SUSAN R. | United States | 503-370-6481; 503-371-7161 | | skephart@willamette.edu | Evolutionary biology & systematics, including hybridization & pollinator-mediated reproductive isolation in Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae), Camassia (Agavaceae), & Silene (Caryophyllaceae). | View |
| RIGGINS, CHANCE W. | United States | 217-300-0563 | | cwriggin@illinois.edu | Artemisia (Asteraceae); Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae); Acacia (Fabaceae); Crop Evolution; Crop Wild Relatives; Phytochemistry | View |
| BIERNER, MARK W. | United States | 512-820-9723 | | bierner@utexas.edu | Systematics. | View |
| CLEMENT, WENDY | United States | 609-771-2672 | | clementw@tcnj.edu | Systematics of Moraceae, Dipsacales, Viburnum, Lonicera. | View |
| KELLAR, Roxanne | United States | 4025542840 | | rkellar@unomaha.edu | Research in the Kellar Lab focuses on discovering genetic and morphological variation in disparate groups of flowering plants. Incorporating both classical and state-of-the-art techniques, my lab addresses questions in plant systematics, species identification, and biodiversity investigations. I am interested in revealing how evolutionary history has led to the diverse range of biodiversity in ecosystems across the planet and in applying phylogeny to taxonomic classifications, ecological studies, and conservation planning. My newest investigations focus on invasive species genomics. | View |
| Der, Joshua | United States | 814-777-7820 | | josh.der@gmail.com | Parasitic plants; Santalales; ferns; Pteridium; evolutionary genomics | View |
| HABERLE, ROSEMARIE (Romey) C. | United States | 253-535-7199 | | haberlrc@plu.edu | Campanulaceae; Biogeography, PNW floristics, Invasive plants. | View |
| WATSON, LINDA | United States | 405-744-5559 | | linda.watson10@okstate.edu | Asteraceae, Compositae, molecular systematics, phylogenomics | View |
| WEN, JUN | United States | 202-633-4881 | 202-786-2563 | wenj@si.edu | Systematics & biogeography of Araliaceae & Vitaceae; evolution & biogeography of northern hemisphere disjunct plants; biogeography of Asia. | View |
| NOYES, RICHARD D. | United States | | | rnoyes@uca.edu | Genetics; Asteraceae; apomixis; Erigeron. | View |
| RUHFEL, BRAD | United States | 734-615-6404 | | ruhfel@umich.edu | Phylogenetics; green plants; clusioids; Podostemaceae | View |
| SCHORI, MELANIE | United States | 740-274-2643 | | ms335704@ohio.edu | Stemonuraceae; Cardiopteridaceae; Aquifoliales reproductive anatomy; embryology; palynology; floristics; nomenclature. | View |
| GUILLIAMS, C. MATT | United States | 619-857-0145 | | mguilliams@sbbotanicgarden.org | Plagiobothrys & other Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae); Calyptridium, Cistanthe, Lewisia, & Lewisiopsis (Montiaceae); Ribes (Grossulariaceae); Marah (Cucurbitaceae); evolution, ecology, & conservation of vernal pool ecosystems; American amphitropical biogeography. | View |
| RODMAN, JAMES E. | United States | 360-307-7033 | | rodman69_890@msn.com | Brassicaceae; chemosystematics; phylogenetics; plant-insect co-evolution. | View |
| DE GROOT, SARAH | United States | | | xylococcus@yahoo.com | floristics; deserts; plant diversity; GIS; Eriastrum; Polemoniaceae; biogeography; morphometrics; California; southwest U.S. | View |
| DOUCETTE, ERIC | United States | 2074852594 | | eric.t.doucette@gmail.com | Systematics of Amelanchier (Rosaceae), Speciation and species concepts, florisitics of the Northeast | View |
| KIEL, CARRIE | United States | 267-992-5643 | | ckiel@rsabg.org | Systematics of Acanthaceae / floral evolution / conservation biology / phylogenomics | View |
| MAJURE, LUCAS | United States | 352-214-4119 | | lmajure@floridamuseum.ufl.edu | Systematics and phylogeny (Miconia, Miconieae, Opuntia, Opuntioideae, Cactaceae; Simaroubaceae); polyploidy, reticulate evolution, speciation, floristics, Greater Antilles | View |
| LITT, AMY | United States | 951-827-2113 | | amy.litt@ucr.edu | Plant evolution and diversity | View |
| BRANDENBURG, DAVID M. | United States | 740-323-2355 | | dmbrandenburg@dawesarb.org | Floristics; horticultural taxonomy; Poaceae; economic botany. | View |
| METZGAR, JORDAN S. | United States | 1-540-231-6768 | | metzgar@vt.edu | Systematics of Cryptogramma; collections management; pteridology; undergraduate research. | View |
| Spalink, Daniel | United States | 6085159129 | 608-262-4422 | dspalink@exchange.tamu.edu | Systematics. | View |
| KEENE, JEREMY | United States | 304-701-0406 | | jeremy.keene@glenville.edu | Monopyle. Gloxiniinae. Gesneriaceae | View |
| GUNNER, SIMON | United States | 9784603060 | | stg35@cornell.edu | Nomenclature, Plant Ecology, Plant Conservation | View |
| TAYLOR, DAVID WILLIAM | United States | 503-943-8513 | | taylorda@up.edu | Systematics and reproductive biology of the Malpighiaceae and Rubiaceae; Chione; Colleteria; Wandersong; Stigmaphyllon; economic botany; ethnobotany. | View |
| Thiers, Barbara | United States | 9144159977 | | bthiers@nybg.org | Bryophytes; biodiversity informatics; collections management. | View |
| Lagomarsino, Laura | United States | 9165498770 | | llagomarsino1@lsu.edu | Campanulaceae; Lobelioideae; Andean flora; diversification; phylogenetics; phylogenetic comparative methods; vertebrate pollination | View |
| FEIST, MARY ANN | United States | 608-890-1427 | | mfeist@wisc.edu | Molecular & morphological systematics of the Apiaceae. | View |
| CARLSEN, MONICA | United States | 314-577-0853 | | monica.carlsen@mobot.org | Anthurium (Araceae), Heliconia, Zingiberales, phylogenomics, systematics, evolution, biogeography. | View |
| MORAN, ROBBIN C. | United States | 718-817-8663 | 718-817-8648 | rmoran@nybg.org | ferns, lycophytes, systematics | View |
| LANDIS, JACOB | United States | 352-792-9940 | | jbl256@cornell.edu | Flower evo-dvo; phylogentics; evolutionery genetics; comparative genomics; adaptation | View |
| HUFT, MICHAEL J. | United States | 219-286-3396 | 219-286-3396 | mhuft@att.net | Euphorbiaceae; Great Lakes Flora. | View |
| BORNSTEIN, ALLAN | United States | 573-651-2353 | | abornstein@semo.edu | Systematics of Neotropical Piper (Piperaceae). | View |
| WIERSEMA, JOHN H. | United States | 410-570-2908 | | wiersemaj@si.edu | Nomenclature; systematics of Nymphaeales, esp. Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae). | View |
| HORN, CHARLES N. | United States | 803-321-5257 | | charles.horn@newberry.edu | Pontederiaceae; Rhododendron | View |
| FAIVRE, AMY | United States | 610-606-4666 Ext.3580 | | aefaivre@cedarcrest.edu | Plant reproductive biology; endangered plant species. | View |
| KRINGS, ALEXANDER | United States | 919-515-2700 | | akrings@ncsu.edu | | View |
| MILLER, ANDREW N. | United States | 217-244-0439 | 217-333-4949 | amiller7@illinois.edu | Systematics, biogeography, & biodiversity of Basidiomycetes & Ascomycetes. | View |
| McDonnell, Angela | United States | 6086981217 | | angela.mcdonnell@stcloudstate.edu | Phylogeny & evolution of American milkweed vines, population genomics of Australium Solanum, Schiedea genomics, and rare plant conservation | View |
| SMITH, ALAN R. | United States | 510-643-1000 | 510-643-5390 | arsmith@berkeley.edu | Systematics of pteridophytes, especially Thelypteris. | View |
| Salywon, Andrew | United States | 602-481-8107 | | asalywon@dbg.org | Cactaceae, Myrtaceae, & Agavaceae. | View |
| TIEHM, ARNOLD | United States | 775-742-9180 | | atiehm@att.net | Great Basin flora; botanical history of the Western United States. | View |
| CUSICK, ALLISON W. | United States | 412-450-8094 | | awcusick20@gmail.com | Cyperaceae, Liliales, Trillium | View |